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The Blockbuster Value Proposition, Part 2 Let’s return to the unfolding drama we left in Chapter 3, in which our UX strategist, Jaime, talks to Paul, a big-time movie producer, on a Hollywood backlot about his idea for a shopping site for the wealthy Busy Man. He’s just revealed how his value proposition also solves his personal problem. INT. BUNGALOW – MORNING The shot frames JAIME and PAUL. Paul is cocksure. JAIME is inquisitive. JAIME Do you know if there are any competitors already in the space? Is anyone already doing this? PAUL throws up his hands. He's super amped about his idea. PAUL My wife and I have looked around, but we haven't found anything that really nails it. DISSOLVE TO: INT. BUNGALOW — MORNING It's two weeks later, and Jaime is back in the bungalow. Paul is staring at hard copies of the Competitive Analysis Finding's brief. He seems baffled and annoyed. JAIME As you can see from my research and analysis, there are actually several competitors with significant funding already delivering your product idea in the marketplace. PAUL I have never heard of these companies. So you think it's risky to try to directly com-pete against them? JAIME Well actually, I think we should consider doing more research about the customer you want to target. And explore how they currently solve their problem. PAUL I already know there are lots of guys like

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 109 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 108 Page 110

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