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segment. For instance, my students at the University of Southern California (USC) were able to recruit participants for their field study by setting up a table in a highly trafficked area on campus and offering free sodas (to those who passed their screener questions) in exchange for making an appointment to be part of the research study. Just be aware of the implicit bias if you recruit from family and friends. My team opted for Craig’s List because we assumed it would cast the widest net and get us the fastest responses possible. And it did. Within two days, we had about 75 responses. (I will discuss how to screen through candidates in Step 5 of Phase 1.) However, when we learned after the Silver Lake operation that we needed to target a more affluent customer segment, we opted for another method (see Chapter 9). When advertising for participants, keep the copy of the advertisement simple. Here is a basic framework of a Craig’s List ad for you to build off of: Title: Paid Research Study: Looking for who have experience with Body: Market research firm in is looking for participants to join an upcoming paid research study. The study is going to be on during the hours of <# - #> at a café in the area. Please let us know the ideal time that works for you. The study will last for <#> minutes and the compensation is $<##.00>. (optional) The study will not be recorded on audio or video. Please respond with your contact information and the best time to reach you. (optional) Link to survey here: The framework can change based on the requirements of the study, as is evidenced by the advertisement we used for the treatment center operation shown in Figure 8-6.

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 231 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 230 Page 232