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Recap In this chapter, I showed you how a successful UX strategy uses analytics to optimize the UX design, demonstrated the use of a tool called the Funnel Matrix and its different stages of customer acquisition, and discussed how metrics prove that the customer is progressing into deeper engagement. You also learned how to design for conversion with landing pages and bring together a cross-functional team including designers, developers, product managers, and, most important, marketers. This concludes all the techniques I will be sharing for conducting UX strategy. Now it’s time to hear from other strategists to see what their perspectives are. [63] [64] Cooper, Brant and Patrick Vlaskovits. The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Customer Development. Cooper- Vlaskovits, 2010. [65] [66] Ries, Eric. Lean Startup. HarperBusiness, 2011. [67] Croll, Alistair and Benjamin Yoskovitz. Lean Analytics. O’Reilly Media, 2013. [68] Rushkoff, Douglass. Program or be Programmed. Soft Skull Press, 2011.

UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want - Page 275 UX Strategy: How to Devise Innovative Digital Products that People Want Page 274 Page 276

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