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ANNEX - SMART TARGETS THAT THE EU Components of Food System Transition SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM LAW COULD 01 Preserve natural capital and enable restoration INCLUDE to ensure healthy and resilient ecosystems 02 Ensure healthy, sustainable and resilient food production 10 09 03 Transform the food industry and distribution in 03 the form of shared value chains For WWF’s vision of EU Sustainable Food Systems to be realised, progress needs to be made on 04 Ensure healthy, sustainable and affordable 05 07 consumption patterns all components of a holistic food system transition. To provide clear guidance and predictability to food system actors, SMART targets should be set out in this new EU law, with governance 08 05 Stop food loss and waste along the food chain mechanisms to ensure the achievement of the first set of intermediate targets 10 years after the adoption of the law at the latest. See below for some examples of such targets: 04 06 Strengthen the information, training, 06 knowledge and support Components of a holistic food WWF examples of targets to be set up, with indicative values to be achieved 07 Redirect financial flows system transition 10 years after the adoption of the legislative proposal at the latest. 08 Reinforce regulation and its compliance 1. Preserve natural capital 1 Pollinator populations & Grassland Butterfly Index at satisfactory levels or with 01 02 increasing trends in all Member States. 09 Renew social and economic relations 2. Sustainable and resilient 2 Annual catches in 100% of fish stocks supplying EU markets are at their 10 Ensure good governance of food systems food production maximum sustainable yield level or below. 10 Source: WWF-Spain, the 10 elements of the food systems transition 3. Transforming the food industry 3 At least 50% of the food industry has established protocols that fairly and distribution remunerate producers in their supply chain for lowering their climate & The ten components presented in the table and figure above throughout the food system. The development of the proposal environmental impacts and for nature-positive practice. are part of a proposal developed by WWF-Spain for a food has revealed that there is frequently a lack of baselines for system transition scorecard. Intended as a monitoring and setting appropriate targets, and a need to improve data 4. Healthy, sustainable and 4 Protein in the average European diet is 40% animal-based and 60% plant- evaluation tool, the scorecard should be further developed collection and data interpretation systems, as well as the affordable food consumption based. by public authorities to overcome the lack of a systemic coordination between existing databases to better measure vision, facilitate cross-sector coordination and drive change and manage the achievement of results. 5 All EU Member States have updated their national strategies on food loss and 5. Slash food loss and waste waste to also measure and address fish bycatch/discards and farm-level food waste. 6. Strengthen information, training 6 Public funding for the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems is and knowledge increased to 2% of the CAP and EMFF budgets, and at least half of it is ring- fenced for climate and environmental action. 7. Redirect financial flows 7 Value added taxes on organic fresh fruit and vegetables in all EU countries have been reduced to their lowest possible level. 8. Reinforce regulation and 8 All use of water in agriculture and aquaculture is legal and contributes to the compliance achievement of the objectives of the Water Framework Directive and the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. 9. Renew social and economic 9 All food placed in the EU market has been produced / transformed in full relations respect of labour rights and offering a fair pay to vulnerable workers in the supply chain. 10 A fully functional coordination mechanism between the EU and national and 10. Ensure good governance. subnational governments has been set up to act consistently for food systems transformation. 10 WWF-España. Alimentando el cambio, (upcoming report). VALUING FOOD - FOR A GAME-CHANGING EU LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS 9

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