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INTRODUCTION WWF’S VISION FOR THE SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEM LAW CONCRETE STEPS TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS ARE WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE The new legislative framework for sustainable food systems is an exceptional WHY IS A FRAMEWORK opportunity for the European Commission to make current and future EU food- URGENTLY NEEDED FOOD SYSTEM? related policies play a stronger role in making European food systems sustainable. LAW FOR A SUSTAINABLE To achieve this goal, WWF considers that the new law should take the following The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us all of the importance of a socially just While there is no settled universally steps: FOOD SYSTEM NEEDED IN and resilient food system, and of how the health of people, animals and the planet agreed definition, the working THE EU? are closely interlinked. The global humanitarian catastrophe created by the war definition proposed by the Science in Ukraine, and which is partly caused by shortages of food, feed and fertiliser Advice for Policy by European 1. SET MANDATORY 2050 TARGETS As presented in the Farm to Fork supplies, has exposed some of the weaknesses of the global agri-food system. It has Academies (SAPE) in 2020, and used by Strategy, one of the main objectives also shed light on the EU’s dependence on imported fossil fuels and agricultural the European Commission, underlines of this legislative framework is to commodities.. the multiple dimensions and The new law should establish a 2050 vision for sustainable food promote policy coherence at EU complexity of food systems: systems, setting a clear long-term direction for European food systems and with and national levels, mainstream The EU imports more calories and proteins than it exports4, and is therefore not a focus on human health, environmental protection and social equity. in the strongest position to cover any supply gap in the international markets. In “A sustainable food system for the EU sustainability in all food-related 6 policies and strengthen the resilience other words, the EU is eating the world, but not feeding it. Despite being a major is one that provides and promotes The vision should be complemented with a first series of SMART targets to be of food systems. trader of agri-food and seafood, EU food systems are mainly designed to produce safe, nutritious and healthy food of low achieved 10 years after the adoption of the law (see Annex for details) and high added-value products, including many animal source foods. Although this environmental impact for all current with a comprehensive “Sustainable Food Systems Dashboard”, gathering EU- This is largely in agreement with the has a positive impact on the EU economy, the food we produce and consume has and future EU citizens in a manner that level and national data to robustly monitor progress towards the vision and targets assessment of food-related legislative low nutritional value. Supporting healthier planet-based diets and addressing the itself also protects and restores the pursued. interventions recently published bt wasteful consumption of feed and food are ultimately crucial steps that the EU natural environment and its ecosystem the FAO, where they suggest that has to take to lower the local and global impacts of its food system. This will also services, is robust and resilient, To make rapid progress, all complementary policy action (including the “the purpose of a framework law give the EU the opportunity to make a greater contribution to food security and economically dynamic, just and fair, and revision of existing laws and new legislation) should be enacted soon after the is to integrate transformative food resilience.5 socially acceptable and inclusive. It does adoption of the Sustainable Food System Law and by 2030 at the latest. systems’ perspective across different so without compromising the availability Robust regulation and policy coherence must guide and facilitate a just transition regulatory areas. establishing cross- Halfway between the adoption of the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the deadline of nutritious and healthy food for people for producers and other economic actors. cutting principles and mechanisms for for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, progress towards many food- living outside the EU, nor impairing their institutional coordination. It generally related targets is too slow and requires a renewed political impetus. The upcoming natural environment.” does not enter into detailed technical legislative framework for sustainable food systems can make a major contribution Source: SAPEA content, as this is left for the sectoral to this global and European agenda. It must embrace the urgent need for food laws that will have to implement and systems transformation and help create the right EU policy environment to enforce the orientations set in the achieve it. framework”. 7 Source: FAO © Shutterstock 10 2050 YEARS LATER vision for sustainable 5 food systems realised YEARS LATER First series of quantitative New obligations fully targets achieved phased in All complementary YEAR 0 policy action enacted Adoption of the EU SFS law 4 WWF. 2022. Europe eats the world. 6 SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound. 5 SAPEA, Science Advice for Policy by European Academies. 2020. A sustainable food system for the European Union. 7 FAO. 2021. Transforming agri-food systems: legislative interventions for improved nutrition and sustainability. VALUING FOOD - FOR A GAME-CHANGING EU LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK FOR SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS 5

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