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38 The Private Bank website also offers thought leadership perspectives including: Gender Equality and Inclusion Sustainable REIT ESG Materiality Values-based Investment Considerations Wells Fargo Advisors Wells Fargo Advisors (WFA) offers a robust set of solutions designed to help clients align investment portfolios with personal values and principles . WFA’s ongoing effort is intended to increase financial advisor and client education as sustainable investing interest continues to increase exponentially . It is believed that the application of this awareness offers the potential for better client solutions and outcomes by combining both financial and values-based investing goals and considerations . WFA offers a variety of sustainable investing solutions and resources, including: • Working with partners across WIM, as well as external strategic resources, to offer clients access to the latest thought leadership and products in the sustainable investing universe . • Educating financial advisors about sustainable investing, including both macro and societal trends as well as internal product options such as WFII’s ESG aware portfolios . • Providing clients and financial advisors with account- and security-specific ESG and product involvement data that details company exposure to certain areas of interest and that utilizes both external data sources as well as the recently launched GMR ESG Analysis Framework . • Consulting with clients and financial advisors to identify values and translate principles into actionable investment solutions that are consistent with clients’ best interests . Expanding financial inclusion According to many studies, a significant percentage of Americans still lack access to secure and reliable financial services . The fact that many people are outside of the U .S . mainstream financial system highlights the need for access to safe and affordable financial products and services that can improve the financial health and capabilities of low- and moderate-income (LMI) individuals and families, as well as members of historically marginalized communities . Performance trends can be found in the Wells Fargo ESG Goals and Performance Data (PDF) . DISCLOSURES: Wells Fargo Advisors is a trade name used by Wells Fargo Clearing Serv i ces, LLC and Wells Fargo Advisors Financial Network, LL C, Members SIPC, separate registered broker-dealers and non-bank affiliates of Wells Fargo & Company . Sustainable investing focuses on companies that demonstrate adherence to environmental, social, and corporate governance principles, among other values . There is no assurance that social impact investing can be an effective strategy under all market conditions . Different investment styles tend to shift in and out of favor . In addition, an investment strategy’s social policy could cause it to forgo opportunities to gain exposure to certain industries, companies, sectors or regions of the economy which could cause it to underperform similar portfolios that do not have a social policy . Investment and Insurance Products: Not FDIC Insured No Bank Guarantee May Lose Value

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