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What is the ONE book that most impacted your career?

Josh Valles asked 70 brilliant entrepreneurs and business professionals: "What is the ONE book that most impacted your career?" He purposely selected people from multiple backgrounds and industries. Getting outside your field can help you see things from a new perspective.

WHAT IS THE ONE BOOK THAT MOST IMPACTED YOUR CAREER? The answers of 70 brilliant entrepreneurs and business professionals

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1. Andrew Gazdecki CEO,

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To Sell Is Human by Daniel Pink This book had a significant influence on my entrepreneurial career. The most essential skill for startup founders is sales because it's 90% of the job.

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2. Austin Belcak Founder, Cultivated Culture

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The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss This book gave me permission to stop using traditional processes just because everyone else did them. It pushed me to experiment and think outside the box, which led to the job search system that got me in at Microsoft and that my whole business is built on.

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3. Guy Kawasaki Chief Evangelist, Canva

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If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland

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4. Josh Braun Founder, Braun Training

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Never Split The Difference by Christopher Voss and Tahl Raz

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5. Rand Fishkin CEO, SparkToro

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Small Giants by Bo Burlingham In my early career, Good to Great and Built to Last were very influential, though I later came to believe that neither was accurate nor presented the kind of company I wanted to build. In my later years, perhaps Small Giants by Bo Burlingham is much more aligned with how I hope to engage as an entrepreneur. 3. Guy Kawasaki Chi fE li C

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6. Dan Ariely Professor of behavioral Economics, Duke University

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Being Mortal by Atul Gawande This book made me think about the end of life and what we do at the end of life, which will influence my research in the next ten years or so.

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7. Matt Gray CEO,

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Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson

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8. Devin Reed Head of Content, Clari

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Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini This book has had the most significant impact on my career. Success in sales, marketing, and all relationships comes down to understanding psychology, and Cialdini's book breaks down why people say "yes." Understand that, and everything becomes a little easier.

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9. Matt Heinz Founder, Heinz Marketing

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Getting Things Done by David Allen Allen's methodology has been instrumental in helping me focus on what’s important and minimize the noise from work that is less important. It’s been helpful in both my professional and personal life.

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10. Kevin Dorsey Practice Lead, Winning by Design

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Train Your Brain for Success by Roger Seip

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11. Robert I. Sutton Professor of Management Science & Engineering, Stanford University

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Working by Studs Terkel

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12. Carrie Rose CEO, Rise at Seven

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Atomic Habits by James Clear This is a top-rated book that many may already know. It was an instant worldwide bestseller, and for a good reason. It taught me that small changes can lead to entirely different destinations. Whether that's minor changes in myself, my business, the way I lead, and the way I work. Those small changes don't feel drastic but have led me to build a £7m business pretty much overnight.

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13. Jeremy Moser CEO, uSERP

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The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco A mindset-shifting book to think differently about my career in ways I never thought possible.

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14. Jesse Pujji CEO, Kahani

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15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership by Jim Dethmer, Kaley Klemp, Diana Chapman

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15. John Barrows CEO, JBarrows Sales Training

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Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey. I recently listened to this book when I was at an inflection point in my career and life. Matthew's stories and perspective on life resonated with me more than I expected. Life is about perspective, and Matthew has a great one that I admire.

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16. Richard Harris Founder, The Harris Consulting Group

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The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene

17. Hala Taha CEO, YAP Media

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The Like Switch by Dr. Jack Schafer

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18. Justin Rowe Founder & CMO, Impactable

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Letters from a Stoic by Seneca I know it's not a "business" book, but the books from stoic philosophers have influenced my success in the startup world.

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19. Marcus Chan Sales Coach

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The Code of the Extraordinary Mind by Vishen Lakhiani This book made me realize the only rules in life are the ones we create in our minds. We can live by the rules others make or create the ones we choose to live by.

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20. Jonathan Javier Founder, Wonsulting

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Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki

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21. David M. Brear CEO, 11:FS

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The Little Red Hen by Paul Galdone This book is 20 pages long and primarily illustrations, but the story encapsulates the idea that if you want something, you must actively pursue it with your attitude and effort. You cannot wait or rely on someone else to give it to you. I remember my mum reading it to me when I was little, and it shaped my mentality up until today, when I frequently referenced it while running 11:FS.

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22. Ash Jones Founder, Great Influence

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Rocket Fuel by Mark C. Winters and Gino Wickman

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23. Brett Puffenbarger VP of Marketing, Green Check Verified

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Venture Deals by Brad Feld It's a point-by-point breakdown and translation of how raising money and starting a company works.

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24. Joe Glover Co-Founder, The Marketing Meetup

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Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

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25. Sophie Miller Founder, Pretty Little Marketer

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The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k by Sarah Knight. If I'm honest, I'm not much of a reader. However, I read one book during a spell of pandemic boredom last year: The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k by Sarah Knight. As a classic people pleaser, personally and professionally, being permitted to own my time and find confidence in saying no without a 30-page list of excuses was incredibly empowering. The lessons of the read are things I still carry with me a year on.

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26. Elizabeth Yin General Partner, Hustle Fund

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The Lean Startup by Eric Ries I had been building and building out products no one wanted until I read Lean Startup. I realized you need to validate demand as quickly as possible by building as little as possible to avoid too many wrong detours.

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27. Jess Cook VP of Brand & Content, Marpipe

Hey Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan IThis book has long been considered one of the go-to manuals for creating ads that actually sell. I read it as a junior copywriter (so long ago, in a galaxy far, far away), but its principles have stuck with me ever since.

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28. Morgan Snyder Owner, booth

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The Soul of an Entrepreneur by David Sax This book is my most recent read with the most significant impact on how I approach my business and life.

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29. Ethan Golding Co-Founder, Team Hustle

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The 1-Page Marketing Plan by Allan Dib I learned what the word marketing ACTUALLY after reading this book. It gave me the knowledge to start building effective marketing systems. I've implemented and referred back to this multiple times; it's really a bible for me.

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30. Dan Sanchez Executive Producer, Sweet Fish

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The Marketer as Philosopher by Flint McGlaughlin This book taught me the "why" behind marketing and gave me a framework to approach marketing projects strategically.

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31. Erin Balsa Founder, Haus of Bold

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The Business of Expertise by David Baker Disclaimer: I don't have ONE favorite business book, but The Business of Expertise by David Baker helped me spot and correct things I was doing that were damaging my perceived value. For example, having a Calendly link on my website. Now I vet everyone before I get on a discovery call because my time is valuable.

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32. Amy Miller Client Lead Recruiter, Amazon

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The Robot-Proof Recruiter by Katrina Collier No matter how advanced we think technology has made us, Recruiting will forever be a HUMAN interaction. Katrina’s book is full of wisdom and insights from many industry professionals. A must-read for ALL recruiters and a gift I give everyone I mentor!

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33. Lola Bakare CMO Advisor & Inclusive Marketing Strategist

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Marketing Myopia by Theodore Levitt Marketers and their cross-functional peers should read this book to understand the difference between brands, the benefits they promise, and the products delivering those benefits. This book is a banger, and you can read it in a single evening. That said, I couldn’t vouch for the kind of guy he was (I’ve heard some things). I just love his work.

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34. Raja Rajamannar Chief Marketing & Communications Officer and President, Healthcare Business, Mastercard

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Happiness Advantage by Shawn Accor

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35. Ross Simmonds Founder & CEO, Foundation Marketing

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On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King This book is one of the most influential in copywriting history, but often one of the most underrated as more books are written on the subject. It's essential to revisit the classics, especially those written by some of the most influential writers of our generation. While Stephen King may not be one of the most articulate writers or may not win a Pulitzer prize, his work will go down in history as some of the most engaging and entertaining. This book does a great job of taking stories from his past and injecting them with great writing tips that everyone can learn, whether how to narrate and structure a story or how important it is to write, write, write! I love this book because it goes into the details of what truly goes into writing good copy.

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36. Madeline Mann CEO, Self Made Millenial

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Multipliers by Liz Wiseman This book helped me to uncover my strengths and weaknesses as a leader. Many of us are what Liz Wiseman calls "Diminishers" — leaders that accidentally suppress the potential of their teams, despite best intentions. I loved that the book made me more self-aware.

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37. Henry Stewart Chief Happiness Officer, Happy

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Maverick by Ricardo Semler The Brazilian businessman explains how he took over his father’s factory and changed it from one where workers were searched at the gate to one with complete trust and freedom. Everything that we have done at Happy stems from that book.

38. Amelia Sordell Founder, Klowt

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How to Argue with a Cat by Jim Heinrichs The book explains how to hold an intelligent conversation - and persuade people to think the way you do or do what you want them to do. It's all about convincing vs. arguing — something that cats are very good at doing. And something I've learned very well to do as a result of reading this book and implementing the learnings!

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39. Robyn Clarke Account Manager, Great Influence

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The Midnight Library by Matt Haig While this book didn't give me any direct business advice, it helped me out of a lousy headspace by changing my perspective on life. I decided to stop living life paralyzed by the 'what ifs" and just put my heart into everything I do. I've applied this to my career, and it's been upward since then.

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40. Drew Neisser Founder & CEO, Renegade

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Guerrilla Marketing by Jay Conrad Levison This book profoundly impacted my career, opening my eyes to non-traditional approaches and how ingenuity can transform the tiniest of budgets into a deluge of effectiveness.

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41. Margaret Molloy Global CMO, Siegel + Gale

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Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown I learned to focus on what matters and do it well.

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42. Steph Egger Head of Brand, SHFT Agency

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Ego Is the Enemy by Ryan Holiday This is not a business book by any means, but it teaches a lot about life and how to approach it.

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43. Harris Fanaroff Founder, Activate Onboarding

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Never Eat Alone by Keith Ferrazzi Everything in life is about relationships.

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44. Andrew Yeung Strategy & Ops Lead, Meta

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Barking Up The Wrong Tree by Eric Barker

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45. Maya Grossman Founder, Maya Grossman Consulting

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Mindset by Carol Dweck This book completely changed how I viewed the world and taught me how to ditch my limiting beliefs and use my mindset as an empowering tool.

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46. Tom Goodwin Innovation Leader & Business Transformation Consultant

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Re-Imagine! Business Excellence in a Disruptive Age by Tom Peters I read this book in 2003. It was as relevant and as timely then as it is reading it now.

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47. Steve Toth Creator, SEO Notebook

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The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann This book taught me how to give away my knowledge effectively and reap the most benefit from sharing my passion.

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48. Louis Grenier Founder, Everyone Hates Marketers

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Petit traité de manipulation à l'usage des honnêtes gens by Jean-Léon Beauvois I fell in love with marketing when I was 18-19 after reading this book, which is the French version of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion.

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49. Phillip Rivers Partner, Commerce12

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The One Thing by Gary W. Keller and Jay Papasan This book taught me how important it is to focus. As an entrepreneur, our biggest weakness is often shiny object syndrome, which keeps us on a hamster wheel, always looking at the next thing without giving the current thing time to mature. The book shifted my perspective and helped me stay focused and cast 'shiny object' distractions aside.

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