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Partner and Co-marketing Guide PARTNER WEBSITES Page 24 Example A Example B Recommended Badge and Partner Logo Space To the right are two badge placement options for partner websites. The spacing on example A is preferred because it provides appropriate separation between Xerox and the partner. But example B is acceptable if the layout requires it. Describing Your Relationship With Xerox on Your Website In addition to the Xerox partner badge, you can positively influence visitor perception, increase trust in your capabilities, and aid search by leveraging your partnership and any associated Xerox accreditation in live text on your website. For instance, if you are an Agent and cover a specific locale, you could use something like the following illustrative example of live text: “As a Xerox Agent for , we exclusively sell Xerox, and have full access to Xerox hardware, Home page preferred badge and partner logo spacing for Acceptable badge and partner logo spacing software, managed services, solutions and mono branded partners supplies. We are also able to access assistance from Xerox in the delivery of comprehensive post-sales service and technical support to our customers.” It is important to be factual and make it clear what your relationship is to Xerox, rather than infer that you represent Xerox. You may use a Xerox program membership level and any approved specializations in your description. You should try to avoid making claims such as Largest, Best, Number One, etc., as these can be subjective and misleading. ©2018 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Product page preferred badge and partner logo spacing for Acceptable badge and partner logo spacing mono branded partners

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