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Yammer’s Business Value in Practice Increases productivity, reduces ramp, and improves employee engagement. Finding Ideas and Expertise AAA uses Yammer to surface ideas and find pockets of knowledge within the organization. Usage took off after the CIO mentioned Yammer in a town hall meeting. Global Cooperation After attempting to develop a solution internally, Intuit chose Yammer to break down organizational barriers, connect offices globally, and encourage more collaboration. Learning and Development Pitney Bowes calls Yammer a “learning goldmine” and uses it to facilitate informal learning. The company also discovered it was a great place to recruit evangelists for its external social media initiatives. Crisis Communication The U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Department of Fish & Wildlife Services chose Yammer as its platform to communicate with the various entities involved in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill clean-up efforts. Flattened Hierarchy Nationwide chose Yammer as its primary communication channel for its push toward flattened hierarchy and better management. The results: a more transparent culture, greater innovation, and better knowledge sharing.

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