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RBSP Bulletin Ed - 1


RBSP Bulletin Ed - 1 - Page 1

ROTARACT BANGALORE SOUTH PARADE R.I DISTRICT - 3190 President's note: DRR's message: Dear Rotractors and Fellow Club Members, Dear Rotaractors, It is my immense pleasure to be leading this year's team for It's my Pleasure to send Greetings to all the Members of Rotaract Rotaract Bangalore South Parade. With the start of a new year that Club of Bangalore Southparade brings about all new challenges, I am confident that each one of us from RBSP can serve society selflessly, lead and create a With the start of the new Rotary Year themed: Imagine Rotary. sustainable impact. I have big shoes to fill this year. Rtr. Sushanth And as we embark to another year of selfless service, we assure and his team have worked very hard to bring RBSP to a point of that Rotaract District 3190 will provide a platform for all our flourishment. I cannot start my presidency without acknowledging Rotaractors to develop and implement innovative solutions to the each and every member that has worked hard last year to make most pressing community challenges while developing every event of our club a booming success. leadership skills and connections around the world. Knowing that I have the same support and encouragement from What a Fantastic Club theme for the year: Gender Equality and this amazing group of people, gives me the confidence to lead Reduced Inequality in our communities. And practicing RBSP, especially to greater heights! Powered by a creative group of sustainable impact and growth. individuals and the strength of many, we here at RBSP are elevated to work on solving problems that are near and dear to us. We have As Rotaractors, let us lead by example, serve as catalysts of chosen to inform and create a community that is reduced by change, and motivate our members to achieve our purpose and inequality. A society where gender does not attribute to your goal. With more experiences and Leadership, I know we can abilities. And a safe space to talk about emotional trauma and inspire others to do more, to serve well, and to be the best growth. versions of themselves. Not just we creating an Impact, but Inspiring others also to create I urge all our members and non-members to come together this an Impact. year to not just elevate but to lead a generation and those yet to Let us spark a light to come together as a Family to Inspire to come into a world where the scales are balanced and kindness is Imapct the mode of action. Let us all come #together4change! I extend my Best Wishes to Rtr.Srushti Shivaraj and the Entire Team for an Impactful Year! Kind Regards, Rtr. Srushti Shivaraj Yours in Rotaract, President 2022 - 2023 PP Rtr.Rtn.Joseph Wilson Rotaract Bangalore South Parade District Rotaract Representative 2022-23 Rotary International District 3190 Board of Directors President: Rtr. Srushti Shivaraj Vice President : Rtr. Ramya Dev Secretary : Rtr. Meghana S Treasurer : Rtr. Nischal Mohan Immediate Past President : Rtr. Sushanth BS Sargent-at-Arms : Rtr. Rahul Krishnamurthy Bulletin Editor : Rtr. Zoya Club Service Director : Rtr. Suraj Gowda Community Service Director : Rtr. Apoorva Professional Service Director : Rtr. Akshay Gowda International Service Director : Rtr. Pavitra Sulegai Sports Director : Rtr. Chaitanya J IT Officer : Rtr. Amit Goyal PR and Media Director : Rtr. Akshay Gowda Club Counsellor & Rotary Club Liason : Rtr. Rtn. Arjun Gubbi

Letterhead Exchange 7th Installation with RocRRC Fellowship of Office Bearers An offline event was planned and A fellowship event to We connected with the Rotaract coordinated by the new office celebrate our first big event Club of Rajahmundry River bearers of Rotaract Bangalore and also enable networking. City to conduct a letterhead South Parade (RBSP), to install the The event strongly focused exchange and encouraged a incoming president and welcome on Building Team letterhead exchange to enable the new members. Connection. future projects and networking. We even participated in their Vruksha Bandhan event and supported them. Story of A Tech Startup Events Organized Amit Goyal, Co-Founder of, spoke to the RBSP members about what it means to for the Rotaract run a startup and how one can start their own. We discussed the story and conception of Rirev and also the ups and Year 2021-22 downs of a startup. Letterhead Exchange Joint Speaker Meet - Fellowship Potluck with Roc SRM NAMMA Bengaluru A fellowship potluck to get new The project was a joint effort by We connected with the Rotaract joinees and old members together. RBSP and our parent club Club of SRM Kattankulathur to Every member brought a dish that Rotary Bangalore South Parade conduct a letterhead exchange they prepared. We sampled to not only explore the unheard and encouraged a letterhead everyone’s dish and played past of Bangalore city but also exchange to enable future icebreaker games to get everyone honour our TEACH program projects and networking. interacting and mingling. committee members. The Green Republic Voluntary Activities Good Governance Initiative We marked the 73rd Republic Day Our parent club member Rtn. The RBSP members took part by commemorating the Indian Harshitha, who is also a in various events organised by Constitution and it's spirits through Political Consultant with PGP different rotaract clubs such a greener future social media conducted a speaker meet as cyclothon, joint speaker initiative. The efforts where shared virtually to understand on what meet and Vruskha Bandhan virtually through our club's social good governance is and why it event. media platforms. is important to involve ourselves in local government.

Event Highlights for the Rotaract Year 2021-22 Letterhead Exchange with RCN This was the first letterhead exchange our members participated in accompanied by our international service director - Rtr. Ramakanth Pai with Rtr. Harman Singh, President of Rotaract Club of Nagpur RID 3030 on 3rd August 2021 at Communti, Residency Road, Bangalore It was wonderful to see various clubs across Bengaluru coming together to be a part of it. There was immense energy in the meet, ideas were exchanged, announcements were made, network was developed and most importantly friendships were made. Rtr. Ramakanth Pai along with other members of RBSP participated and made the exchange a huge success. Voluntary Blood Donation Drive The following project was a joint project with our parent club Rotary Club of Bangalore South Parade. The event was conducted on 14th August, 2021 at Indian Red Cross Society, Karnataka State Branch, Bangalore in order to raise awareness and urge people to donate blood to save lives. All the volunteers and the logistics of the project฀from registration, blood collection and certificate distribution was coordinated by our amazing club members under the leadership of Rtr. Ramya Dev and Rtr. Lakshmi Sarvani. Speaker Meet - Good Governance Our parent club member Rtn. Harshitha, who is also a Political Consultant with PGP conducted a speaker meet virtually on 30th January, 2022 to understand on what good governance is and why it is important to involve ourselves in local government. The event led to a lot of great discussion on current political environment and why both collective and individual accountability is necessary. Rtr. Meghana and Rtr. Rahul seamlessly conducted the session despite having a day of back to back event. Even asking and encouraging the important questions Do It For The Kids’- Recycle Paper Drive We collected recycle paper all across Bangalore to help raise funds for the kids of Balya Orphanage and to enable club funds. The same was held on 5th September 2021. We got in touch with various network of apartments, community living and business, to collect recycle paper and raise funds by selling the same to recycling centers. Our project chairs Rtr. Yogesh and Rtr. Suraj Gowda outdid themselves by actively taking initiative to coordinate the collection and recycling of the paper

District Spectra Gazette We created and compiled the gazette with the district editorial team for the month of October 2021 and presented the same on 9th November 2021. Our team created, ideated and designed the Spectra Gazette for the month of October 2021 (Edition III). Rtr. Pavitra was phenomenal in coordinating both the RBSP and District editorial teams. Art Workshop With Balya Orphanage We hosted an art workshop and spent time with the amazing kids of Balya Orphanage on 12th September, 2021. We also donated a series of art and school supplies that they asked for, along with some book and games donated by well wishers and friends. As we wish to build long- term working relationship with them, we along with the various directors have planned a bi- monthly visit schedule. Our project chair Rtr. Apoorva helped us make this visit and relationship a success by ensuring we took all precautions before meeting and interacting with these wonderful children. It was a great interaction due to all the efforts and steps taken by Rtr. Apoorva. DOV Visit Rotaract Bangalore south parade had its DOV visit for the year 2021-2022. We were graced with the presence of our DRR Anurag Patwary and ZRR’s And District joint secretary. Our President Sushanth BS and secretary Shrusti Shivaraj would like to thank our sponsor club Rotary Bangalore South Parade for their continued support and for Mr. Raviprasad sir for being a part of it. Eye & Health Checkup camp with Vrudhi Charitable Trust Rotaract Bangalore South Parade along with Vrushi Charitable trust conducted a free eye and health checkup camp, offering free eye checkup, homeopathy checkup, BP and Sugar checkup and Diabetic Retinopathy checkup camp It was a successful event with 103 patients visiting for eye checkup including diabetic retinopathy, 38 patients for homeopathy checkup, 76 patients for BP & Sugar check-up Last but not the least we had 24 cataract patients who will undergo operation from Vrudhi Charitable trust . We would also like to take a moment to recognize Rtr. Suprith for bringing forth this opportunity to us and for being at the helm to turn the event into a grand success, which has led to us taking up The Eye & Health checkup camp as our Flagship Project moving forward.

Event Highlights for the Rotaract Year 2022-23 Voluntary Blood Donation Drive with our parent club Rotary Bangalore South Parade Rotaract Bangalore South Parade was a part of The Voluntary Blood Donation Drive held on July 1, 2022 at Rashtrotthana Blood center for children suffering from Thalassaemia Rotary Bangalore South Parade Installation We supported and attended the installation of our parent club and star walker- Anand sir, and his incoming team of mavericks. Our visit was eventful, as we supported through volunteering for at registration and assisted them throughout the event.

Events Organized for the Rotaract Year 2022-23 Logo and Website launch Mealpax Campaign Blood Donation Drive Independence Day Drive Eye Camp Campaign SADS Donation Campaign Paper Recycle Drive: For the kids campaign Professional Development: Speaker meets Menstrual Awareness Campaign & Event Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign & Event

Special Announcement Mealpax 2.0 FEED THE ONE IN NEED Mealpax was a campaign born out of necessity amidst the pandemic. Rotaract Bangalore south parade along with kriya foundation partnered with a local restaurant to bring meals to people unable to afford them like migrant workers, homeless and underprivileged kids. It was our effort to help as many people as we could. We started the fundraising campaign on 30th May, 2021 and started distributing meals on 1st June, 2021. We received immense support and encouragement from our fellow Rotaractors and members alike. We successfully raised over Rs. 90,000 which helped us run the campaign effectively and we managed to serve over 3500 meals over the course of 2 weeks. Mealpax is the project that became near and dear to our heart and the smiles on the kids' faces was beyond inexplicable, which inspired us to turn this into our flagship project and MEALPAX 2.0 was born. “Why should there be hunger and deprivation in any land, in any city, at any table, when man has the resources and the scientific know-how to provide all mankind with the basic necessities of life? There is no deficit in human resources. The deficit is in human will.” — Martin Luther King Jr. Mealpax 2.0 is an ambitious project. We are trying to be bigger and better than what we did last year and help families in need. So instead of a packed meal we are donating 2 WEEKS WORTH OF RATION to help sustain the families in these tough and unpredictable times. All it takes is Rs.850 to feed a family of four for 2 weeks. We are trying to start this rota-year with our best foot forward and be the best of humanity. JOIN US !!


RBSP Bulletin Ed - 1 - Page 10