Budgeting for Clerk and Finance Officers Suitable Audience This session is aimed at officers, who are involved in preparing and monitoring budgets. This training may be delivered online; therefore, attendees will need a device with a reasonable screen size such as a PC, laptop, or tablet to be able to participate fully. Session Overview This is a 90-minute interactive session. Topics include setting a budget and precept, contingencies, and reserves, how the council tax base affects the budget, inflation, and budget monitoring. Session Benefits By the end of ‘Budgeting for Clerk and Finance Officers’ you will: • Understand how and when to prepare a budget • Know how to approve and issue a precept • Be aware of the factors that affect a budget • Understand how to manage a budget All current prices for these courses can be found on the Hampshire ALC website. Submission of a booking will amount to your acceptance of the LCPD Training & Events Terms & Conditions. You might also be interested in • Finance: Internal Controls • Finance: Local Council Finance for New Clerks – An Introduction • Finance: VAT • Officer Development: Year-end Accounts & Audit Back to Training/Events list Training & Events Directory Page 24 of 41 August 2023

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