Networking Events Annual Conference 5 Clerk and Officer Update 6 Chair Update 7 Councillor Update 8 Training Events Skills Development Chairing Skills 11 Certificate in Local Council Administration – An Introduction 12 Certificate in Local Council Administration – Training and Mentoring 14 Knowledge and Core Skills for Councillors 15 What You Need to Know for Clerks and Officers 17 People Management Appraisals 19 Handling Challenging Individuals 20 Managing Absence 21 Managing Employees in Local Councils 22 Finance Budgeting for Clerk and Finance Officers 24 Budget and Precept Setting for Councillors 25 Internal Controls 26 Local Council Finance for Councillors – An Introduction 27 Local Council Finance for New Clerks – An Introduction 28 VAT – An Introduction 29 Year-End Accounts and Audit 30 Planning Planning for Local Councils – An Introduction 32 Planning Policy and Local Plans for Local Councils 33 Health & Safety Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers 35 Introduction to Risk Assessment 36 Manual Handling 37 Play Area Inspections – An Introduction 38 Stress Management 39 Workplace Health and Safety 40 Training & Events Directory Page 3 of 41 August 2023

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