Pro-log to exploration 353 and their followers, as well as all the other schools of philosophy, have refused to recognize any patterns of energy arising from man-made technologies. Having invented “Nature” as a world of rigorous order and repetition, they studied and observed only “natural” forms as having power to shape and influence psyche and society. The world of man’s artifacts was considered neutral until the electric age. As the electric environment increasingly engulfed the old Greek “Nature,” it became apparent that “Nature” was a figure abstracted from a ground of existence that was far from “natural.” Greek “Nature,” which sufficed until Einstein, excluded most of the chaotic resonance of the great Sound-Light Show of existence itself. Most of the pre-Socratic magic and ESP and all the Oriental and “Primitive” Natures were pushed into the “subconscious.” Civilized man exists by dumping most of his experience into that convenient bin. Electric man has discovered that it is his major resource center. Perceiving Process Patterns by Inventories of Their Effects While dealing with the old Greek and Newtonian Nature, men found concepts and points of view useful for the framing of theories of causes that could be tested by measurement. At electric speeds, points of view disappear automatically and concepts have to yield to percepts, for concepts arise from endlessly repeated percepts—ossifications of percepts, as it were, which frequently obscure discovery. Percepts are not hypotheses that can be tested quantitatively, but percepts and observations do yield patterns which can be regarded as “causes” although, in fact, they are processes. Paradoxically, electronic man has no choice but to understand processes. if he is to be free. To free himself from servitude to his own artifacts has become the main program of the new ecological age that began with Sputnik. For twenty-five hundred years Western science and philosophy have ignored everything that we now consider to be ecological and mandatory. The new information environment tends to supplant Nature, whereas the old mythic wisdom tried to explain nature. Thus modern man has to live mythically, in contrast to his ancient forebears, who sought to think mythically. Myth is the record of a simultaneous perception of effects with causes in a complementary process. It is possible to see a history of world art today in thirty seconds. A newspaper under a single date line gives you “Your World Today.” These are mythic forms by virtue of speed and compression. When we hear that King Cadmus sowed the dragon’s teeth and they sprang up armed men, we are given an instantaneous history of the effects of the phonetic alphabet on man and society. Myth does not limp but leaps. In this book we turn to the study of new patterns of energy arising from man’s physical and psychic artifacts and social organizations. The only
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