Essential McLuhan 312 underdeveloped mind. Thus Communism is an archaic, primitive and therefore highly insidious pattern which characterizes primitive social groups. It implies lawless chieftainship as a vitally necessary compensation, a fact which can only be overlooked by means of a rationalistic one-sidedness, the prerogative of the barbarous mind. It is important to bear in mind that my concept of the “archetypes” has been frequently misunderstood as denoting inherited patterns of thought or as a kind of philosophical speculation. In reality they belong to the realm of the activities of the instincts and in that sense they represent inherited forms of psychic behaviour. As such they are invested with certain dynamic qualities which, psychologically speaking, are designated as “autonomy” and “numinosity.” Jung accounts for his theory of archetypes by means of the hypothesis of a collective race memory, although he is well aware that there is no scientific acceptance for such an idea. His justification, however, for using the concept of a collective memory is based on the recurrence over a wide area of archetypal patterns in artifacts, literatures, arts, etc., apart from the shaky scientific basis. José Argüellas, writing on “Compute and Evolve” alludes to the power of the new computer in restoring to contemporary relevance the ancient I Ching: The I Ching is becoming popular not because it is a refuge from modern life, but because its structure is once again understandable; it is now understandable because men have invented and understand computers—for the way the I Ching works when consulted, with its simple but mathematically flawless system, is much the same way that the computer works. No matter what language system an electronic computer is dependent upon, its functioning is based on the binary system—the same system which, in a simplified way, governs the manipulation of the yarrow stalks or coins which are used in consulting the I Ching. It is not too extravagant to say that, in terms of the nature of the input of the programmerquerent, and of the output, the I Ching can be viewed as a psychic computer. Given the development of computers with all the attendant implications (such as we mentioned earlier on, in referring to ethics), it is not at all odd that many people today are finding the I Ching strangely satisfying…. The I Ching functions as a computer, and its functioning is only according to the truth of the
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