Essential McLuhan 318 Somedivide and sumthelot but the tally turns round the 19 same balifuson. Racketeers and bottloggers. 20 Axe on thwacks on thracks, axenwise. One by one place one 21 be three dittoh and one before. Two nursus one make a plaus 22 ible free and idim behind. Starting off with a big boaboa and three-23 legged calvers and ivargraine jadesses with a message in their 24 mouths. And a hundreadfilled unleavenweight of liberorumqueue 25 to con an we can till allhorrors eve. What a meanderthalltale to 26 unfurl and with what an end in view of squattor and anntisquattor 27 and postproneauntisquattor! To say too us to be every tim, nick 28 and larry of us, sons of the sod, sons, littlesons, yea and lealittle 29 sons, when usses not to be, every sue, siss and sally of us, dugters 30 of Nan! Accusative ahnsire! Damadam to infinities! 31. True there was in nillohs dieybos as yet no lumpend papeer 32 in the waste and mightmountain Penn still groaned for the micies 33 to let flee. All was of ancientry. You gave me a boot (signs on 34 it!) and I ate the wind. I quizzed you a quid (with for what?) and 35 you went to the quod. But the world, mind, is, was and will be 36 writing its own wrunes for ever, man, on all matters that fall 37 under the ban of our infrarational senses… THIS IS A PRINTING OFFICE CROSSROADS OF CIVILIZATION REFUGE OF ALL THE ARTS AGAINST THE RAVAGES OF TIME ARMOURY OF FEARLESS TRUTH AGAINST WHISPERING RUMOUR INCESSANT TRUMPET OF TRADE FROM THIS PLACE WORDS MAY FLY ABROAD NOT TO PERISH ON WAVES OF SOUND NOT TO VARY WITH THE WRITER’S HAND BUT FIXED IN TIME HAVING BEEN VERIFIED IN PROOF FRIEND YOU STAND ON SACRED GROUND THIS IS A PRINTING OFFICE

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