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CG updated updated.indd

CG updated updated.indd - Page 1

table of content Table of content 24 04 SMS Message and Goals 26 05 President’s Message 28 06 Head of Discipline 07 Unit Coordinator 36 08 Meet the Execs 10 Marketing Units 39 40 15 Marketing Student Journey 42 16 Agencies and Parent Companies 18 Emerging Hybrid Organisations 45 20 International Student Guide 46 21 Top Core Skills for Success 48 Industry Professional Interview 50 22 Sophie Ye 51 23 Andrew Baxter 52

Great Debate 24 Big Data 26 Consultancies vs Agencies 28 Internship Guide Business School Services 36 The CEO Undergraduate Interviews 39 Oliver Pang 40 Symret Kaur 42 Ling Hou Alumni Interviews 45 Georgia Frazer (Nestle) 46 Olga Zerefos (Westpac) 48 Michelle Mocek (Qantas) 50 Our Partners 51 End Note 52 References

Sydney Marketing Society (SMS) is the third-largest society within the University of Sydney Business School, and proudly boasts an active and growing community of over  mem- bers hrough a range of events, we ultimately seek to help students develop and realise their career aspirations within the discipline of Marketing and beyond Our main goals are threefold:  roviding students with career opportunities through networking with potential employers ­ €ducating our members on the workings of the marketing industry, as well as providing opportunities to upskill  €ngaging and fostering a community of like-minded marketing students ‚e aim to realise these goals through various career-orient- ed events and programs throughout the year such as our networking events, careers fairs, workshops, panels and our Mentoring rogram hrough these, we endeavour to close the gap between students and employers in every student’s area of marketing interest whether this is „, …dvertising, Branding, Media, Marketing „esearch, †igital Marketing or B­B Marketing 4 4

Life as a university student can be a hugely tumultuous period, and ideas regarding where you’d like to be career-wise are intimidating and elusive; but I am proud to say that at Sydney Marketing Society, it’s our mission to help you through this ourney e have created our  ­areers €uide to reveal some of the sheer diversity and dynamism that encompasses a career in Marketing, and to evoke interest for career paths you may never have considered before Sydney Marketing Society (SMS) is the third-largest society ‚ur vision was for this €uide to enlighten everyone from ƒirst-„ear within the University of Sydney Business School, and proudly …ndergraduate students to ƒinal-„ear Masters students; and I’m sure boasts an active and growing community of over  mem-that the content we’ve compiled will achieve ust that bers hrough a range of events, we ultimately seek to help †eveloping your career can often be a difficult process, complete with students develop and realise their career aspirations within stress, ambiguity and a fair share of disappointment - however, greater the discipline of Marketing and beyond things always await and every day is an opportunity to improve ˆever Our main goals are threefold:lose sight of who you are as a person Seek to emulate the skills you  roviding students with career opportunities through desire, and constantly learn‰ not ust new skills and information, but learn networking with potential employers about yourself and ponder your broader personal goals Šolunteer for ­ €ducating our members on the workings of the things and develop your hobbies Say yes to every opportunity, because marketing industry, as well as providing opportunities to e‹perience will help you better understand what you want to achieve upskill †on’t wait for opportunities to come to you; actively seek them out with  €ngaging and fostering a community of like-minded an open heart marketing students Last of all, I can’t stress enough how important participation in SMS’ ‚e aim to realise these goals through various career-orient-events can be †on’t underestimate the power of asking Œuestions at an ed events and programs throughout the year such as our event, or listening to an e‹pert speak on a topic you had no idea was networking events, careers fairs, workshops, panels and our related to Marketing, or having an e‹perienced mentor paired with you Mentoring rogram hrough these, we endeavour to close to guide you through the challenges of university and ob applications the gap between students and employers in every student’s SMS will connect you with a wonderful community of passionate area of marketing interest whether this is „, …dvertising, students, and a network of professionals with years of wisdom to share Branding, Media, Marketing „esearch, †igital Marketing or B­B Marketingishing you the best of luck and the greatest success in pursuing the career of your dreamsŽ 5 5

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Disclaimer: Marketing unit offerings for each semester are not guarenteed. 10 10

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EMERGING HYBRID MARKETING ORGANISATIONS In recent years, marketing as a discipline has ­ hybrid marketing and technology consul expanded beyond traditional advertising, direct tancy that combines digital strategy with sales, or specific media strategies that have creativity to enhance the digital experience of long been its core focus areas.. The marketing their client’s users. landscape in recent years, has instead witnessed the rise of firms that champion a They partner with companies like ­dobe, strong focus on User Experience U as a way ­pple, oogle and ‚racle that all have to create customer value. This pervasive shift is technological expertise and resources, which an innate reaction to customers expecting their enhance ƒeloitte ƒigital’s ability to deliver interactions with chosen companies to be value for their enterprise clients. seamless and frictionless. one are the days of oneoff stale billboard advertisements, telemar keting, and sales reps around every corner these largely outdated tools have been replaced by an integrated use of technology that have caused a disruptive convergence of marketing and the rise of the digital experience. Think technology that tug at your heartstrings, that seems to know what you want intuitively, that is simple to use yet offers so many options, that is aesthetically pleasing ... the possibilities are endless. They deliver an integrated package that combines the use of„ o U and design o …ontent and commerce options that customise user experience in different channels o …ustomer platforms reconfigure and ence, the rise of the hybrid marketing organi enhance …†‡ and allows insights into custom sation often multinational consulting organisa er interaction across channels tions an agency that is versatile, adaptable o ‡anaged services helps maintain the and dynamic  that combines creativity, strate stability and flexibility of platforms gy, and technological expertise to enable the o ‡arketing optimi‰ation mediaspecific design and delivery of optimum user experienc services that enhance the effectiveness of es for their clients, that drives sustainable digital assets and marketing proŠect invest growth and strong business results. The power ments fully pervasive shift that sees the rise of these strategies and tech geniuses is still ongoing, and is a trend that will indefinitely shape the future of marketing. 18

EMERGING HYBRID MARKETING ORGANISATIONS So how can we separate hybrid marketing organisations from traditional companies? Accenture 1. They are often Tech savvy and highly versatile: Must recognise that going digital fundamentally An experiential agency as part of Accenture that o seeks to deliver comprehensive user experiences in changes a company, industry, and customer relation- an integrated package, that deliver strong and ships transformative business results. o Must adapt to constantly evolving customers and optimise UX to match o Test new products/tools/processes to be more efficient o Thin entrepreneurially - let employees tae charge and innovate o Must recognise employees are their most important assets to build an epert and fleible team o Must eep trac of and respond efficiently and effectively to data, in order to develop measurable and actionable insights So what sets Accenture Interactive apart?  Emphasis on the importance of design and innova- 2. They offer integrated services to ensure diversi- tion in keeping up with the constant flux of consum- fied revenue er needs and demands in different industries ot ust one-off proects to do with separate o Marketing -> use concrete data to develop insights mareting channels that define why, how and where to engage with o ffer the whole pacage ­combine €‚ , content mareting, ƒ„, social media… customers develop and integrated marketing o †evelop long-term strategic plans to overhaul communications plan clients’ mareting departments and tracing important results ­leads, revenue, cost savings… - thin holistically elp in optimising client content and commerce to o †elivering a ˆuality pacage of integrated services improve speed to market, cost and uality by over a long-term time hori‰on allows for multiple introducing scaled economies, and optimise man- revenue channels agement across channels ata from Accenture  ­€‚ƒ has shown that a € point improvement in „onsumer Experience index 3. They often have a strong customer-centric scores has a pervasive and scaled impact, leading focus to an increase in incremental revenues for compa- nies in all types of industries. o “ƒut the customer first” o „ecognise that loyal clients Œ higher retention rates, o …etail †anks -> ‡ˆ‰ million revenue impact profit margins, predictable cash flows, stronger referrals - go into business with the aim of developing o Šnternet providers -> ‡‹‰ million revenue impact long-term relationships with clients o Must leverage these partnerships to fill gaps in resources so that these agencies can move forward o Œireless providers -> ‡€€Ž million revenue effectively and confidently in strategy development impact 19

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ANDREW BAXTER sOPHIA YE INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWS [ ] A brief description of your job title/position, In your opinion, what is the purpose of and what your role involves. marketing in your industryŽs conte‘t’ I am currently an Assistant Brand Manager, I believe Marketing is about having an looking after the nilever’s kincare portfo innate curiosity to understand consumer lio aseline, imple, t Ives, ove­ across behaviour and an authentic desire to Australia € ‚ew ƒealand. My role involves come up with a product or service solu implementing „lobal Brand strategies into tion to meet that need. It is about ensuring the A‚ƒ market, serving as …roject †ead for that the right target market is being made all our new product innovations and man aware of the right product at the right time. aging our Media € …‡ agencies to deliver “n top of that, it is also about using that ˆ‰Š° Marketing Œampaigns to support our scale and reach in a way that positively new products. impacts society  whether that be bringing awareness to an important social issue, encouraging constructive discussion amongst a community or just inciting laughter and talkability amongst friends. ”hat do you enjoy most about a career in marketing’ I thoroughly enjoy how much working in Marketing has broadened my hori•ons, providing me e‘posure to a whole host of industries I would not otherwise be privy to. I now have a greater understanding of the inner workings of – ‚etworks, –ech tartups and even —nvironmental ‚„“s. I also love how Marketing a medium that is universally accessible, transcending cultures, social hierarchies and genders. It gives me satisfaction to know that what I am working on is something that can impact society as a whole. 22

ANDREW BAXTERsOPHIA YE ANDREW BAXTER INDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWSINDUSTRY PROFESSIONAL INTERVIEWS [ ][ ] A brief description of your job title/position, In your opinion, what is the purpose of A brief description of your job title/position, †hat do you enjoy ost about a career in and what your role in your industryŽs conte‘t’and what your role involves.aretinƒ I am currently an Assistant Brand Manager, I believe Marketing is about having an Senior Advisor, KPMG – My role is to advise …he thin enjoy the ost about y career looking after the nilever’s kincare portfoinnate curiosity to understand consumer ey clients of KPMG’s ustoer rand and in aretin is the diversity that every day lio aseline, imple, t Ives, ove­ across behaviour and an authentic desire to Maretin Advisory business on their brins. ein on the aency and consultin Australia € ‚ew ƒealand. My role involves come up with a product or service soluaretin challenes and opportunities, as side of the aretin landscape has eant implementing „lobal Brand strategies into tion to meet that need. It is about ensuring well as support the MA leadership tea that have been lucy enouh to wor on the A‚ƒ market, serving as …roject †ead for that the right target market is being made in the developent of a rane of initiatives. aretin capains across a wide variety all our new product innovations and manaware of the right product at the right time. also wor closely with the leadership tea of cateories, includin retail, pacaed aging our Media € …‡ agencies to deliver “n top of that, it is also about using that to develop and showcase KPMG’s thouht oods, sports and entertainent, autoo­ ˆ‰Š° Marketing Œampaigns to support our scale and reach in a way that positively leadership across the ever­evolvin ar­tive, banin and finance, ain, touris new products.impacts society  whether that be bringing etin world.and travel, fast food, oil and inin, fashion, awareness to an important social issue, health, education and overnent. And it encouraging constructive discussion has also eant that have wored with amongst a community or just inciting everyone fro soe of the top ‡ˆ’s, oard laughter and talkability amongst friends. n your opinion, what is the purpose of ‰irectors and Politicians locally and lobally, aretin in your industry€s conte‚tƒ throuh to brilliant youn raduates. ”hat do you enjoy most about a career in Maretin e‚ists first and foreost to help marketing’ consuers becoe aware of a product or service, understand it, and then persuade I thoroughly enjoy how much working in the to consider and buy it. …he funda­ Marketing has broadened my hori•ons, entals of aretin have not chaned providing me e‘posure to a whole host of over tie, but the way we e‚ecute aret­ industries I would not otherwise be privy in has chaned considerably with the to. I now have a greater understanding of advent of diital technoloy. the inner workings of – ‚etworks, –ech tartups and even —nvironmental ‚„“s. I also love how Marketing a medium that is universally accessible, transcending cultures, social hierarchies and genders. It gives me satisfaction to know that what I am working on is something that can impact society as a whole. 23

big data debate great he €se and ‚isuse of Big Data in ‚arketingƒ hat „appens to …reativity† he accessibility of data analytics and methods has become an increasing influence in fueling marketing insights decisions, ever since the inception of Big Data as a tool to analyse and positively impact the performance of marketing campaignsˆini­ debate tiatives. „owever, Big Data’s enormous contribution to the global economic landscape has created the emergence of concerns and challenges for the marketing industry, including Big Data’s big ‰uestionŠ does data diminish creativity† what is big data? According to Google Dictionary, Big Data consists of extremely large data sets which are analysed computationally to reveal trends and associations relating to human behaviour. In relation to marketing, Big Data has become increasingly crucial to observe patterns of consumer behaviour. RISE OF BIG DATA IN MARKETING Other global consulting firms such as Accenture and Capgemini have also entered the market- ing industry to increase their offering of advisory services. Accenture is involved in the market- ing space through Accenture Interactive, Accenture Digital and Accenture trategy and is steadily groing its marketing offerings outside its traditional I consulting services. Accenture has also made a series of acuisitions of marketing agencies recently to further epand their marketing advisory offerings. hey acuired the onkeys creative agency­ and Droga€, one of the largest marketing and creative agencies in the orld for a reported ‚ƒ„€ million. CASE STUDY: FACEBOOK acebook is a great case study to examine when looking at the use and misuse of Big Data in marketing. he platform’s ability to track users’ activity allows the media giant to extract specific information used to create customisable and targeted advertisements to the relevant audience has been revolutionary in social media marketing. hough, acebook has recently been in the headlines for Big Data misconduct. It became apparent that acebook used the email contacts of . million users without their consent. In terms of marketing, this was a great blow to the company’s brand image, creating a sense of consumer uncertainty and mistrust. hile this case study highlights the ways in which data can be used successfully and inap­ propriately, acebook’s significant presence in modern digital life has not been compro­ mised as a result of the company’s breach of consumer trust. 24 24

big data debate IS BIG DATA PUTTING AN END TO hile Big Data has become a maor great MARKETING CREATIVITY? influencer in marketing, decisions fueled debate by creativity have only rarely been There’s much debate over whether the finalised without any hard evidence of an increasing use of Big Data has overpow- eecution’s success. Though creativity ered the use of creativity in marketing. As favours irrationality over the rational, data the process of targeting consumers, using from lived eperiences and observation an increasing amount of data has has still been used to fuel thought become relatively streamlined, creative processes. mechanisms to reach the same audiences have largely diminished. Despite the - Data is rational, creativity is irrational inherent challenges, incorporating Big Data with caution and responsibility can - Data is knowledge, creativity is lead to innovative communication imagination solutions - not before possible without - Data is certainty, creativity is uncertainty ever increasing visibility and accessibility of consumer behaviour patterns. creating the balance hile Big Data has become a maor influencer in marketing, decisions fueled by creativity have only rarely been finalised without any hard evidence of an eecution’s success. Though creativity favours irrationality over the rational, data from lived eperiences and observation has still been used to fuel thought processes. 25 25

CONSULTANCIES VS AGENCIES ƒhe marˆeting in­ stry, liˆe most a­visory in­ stries in the mo­ern lan­scape, has been great ­isr pte­ by a variety of factors s ch as technology an­ emerging players‚ ƒhe marˆeting in­ stry is no longer e…cl sive to marˆeting specialists or specific marˆeting agencies’cons l€ debate tancies‚„oth cons lting an­ professional services firms with regional’global scale, have entere­ into the marˆeting in­ stry to offer marˆeting cons lting services to their clients‚ The Big 4 Strategy Consulting Firms Since the early 2010s, the big 4 professional arˆeting an­ bran­ing have increasingly become a maŠor iss e for the C€s ite (top services firms (PwC, Deloitte, , P senior e…ec tives, s ch as C†’s an­ CŒ†’s ,have beg n growing their a­visory b siness of mo­ern organisations‚ ‡si­e from the „ig on top of their core a ­it an­ acco nting 4, the maŠor strategy cons lting firms have b sinesses in or­er to ­iversify their offer€ also e…pan­e­ their position an­ offerings in ings an­ increase reven es‚ ƒhese „ig 4 the marˆeting cons lting in­ stry‚ ƒhe „„ firms were strong players in the a­visory firms s ch as cˆinsey Ž Co, „C an­ „ain space prior to the nron Scan­al in which all Ž Co‚ as well as smaller cons lting firms of the big 4 e…cept Deloitte p lle­ o t of s ch as ‘, ‡ƒ an­ †CŽC have increase­ a­visory space following the Sarbanes †…ley their offerings from p re strategy, towar­s ‡ct in 2002‚ also incl ­ing marˆeting an­ bran­ b il­ing sol tions‚ Since then, the „ig 4 have been maˆing a ret rn in the cons lting in­ stry ­ e to the growth of the sector an­ high reven es that are on offer‚ Cons lting allows these tra­i€ tional acco nting firms to reach o t an­ engage in a wi­er range of clients as well as Other Consulting Firms a­­ new val e to their e…isting clients‚ ach of the „ig 4 have separate cons lting Other global consulting firms such as arms ­e­icate­ to provi­ing marˆeting an­ Accenture and Capgemini have also bran­ing services for their clients‚ ƒhese „ig entered the marketing industry to increase 4 firms have b ilt o t their ­ivisions thro gh their offering of advisory services. Accenture a combination of organic growth, as well as is involved in the marketing space through ac‰ isitions of smaller marˆeting firms‚ Accenture Interactive, Accenture Digital and Accenture Strategy and is steadily groing its marketing offerings outside its traditional I consulting services. Accenture has also made a series of acuisitions of marketing agencies recently to further epand their marketing advisory offerings. hey acuired the onkeys creative agency and Droga­, one of the largest marketing and creative agencies in the orld for a reported €‚ƒ­ million. 26 26

CONSULTANCIES VS AGENCIES PROS great The entry of these other players aside from traditional marketing firms reflects the growth of debate the marketing industry, and the importance of marketing, branding and customer experi- ence becoming a top problem that C-suite executives are looking to tackle. The entry of elite strategy firms raises the overall uality of marketing consulting services that are being offered in the industry, through more intense competitive rivalry for client expenditures within the industry. The ig  and other global professional services firms are able to add further value to their clients outside the traditional accounting and compliance work by adding creative input. These global firms can also provide a wider commercial perspective than marketing agencies that focus solely on marketing. owever this provides global consultancies with an unfair disadvantage when competing with smaller agencies. or example,  recently has refused to enter into pitches for client business, where ­ccenture is also pitching through their €nteractive arm. They argue that it‚s not fair that consultancies can have advisory roles to moderate client pricing and other elements within the marketing industry, whist using these insights obtained in this business area to directly compete against these players through their agency arms. CONS ƒespite the fast growth of non-traditional players in the marketing industry, much of the growth is non-organic and through acuisitions „­ccenture acuiring ƒroga…†. This suee‡es out smaller firms due to a difference in resources and brand name from the industry. urthermore, these large global firms are very corporate in nature, and may have trouble navigating the creative space of marketing, where the focus is about flexibility and about understanding the needs of the client’s customers. These acuisitions may limit the creativity of small agencies, forcing them to work in the same conditions and manners of large corporate firms. urthermore, global consultancies have a much deeper pool of resources than independent marketing agencies, which may result in an unhealthy level of market dominance, and suee‡e niche firms out of the market. 27 27









business school servies Careers and Employability office Careers and Employability office The Careers and Employability Office (CEO), dedicated to business students, offers a range of opportunities to explore your career options, plan your career, develop your skills, and network with recruiters and employers. We offer a specialised career service to students across all business degree programs. The CEO provides tailored careers support for Business School students including: • drop-in resume reviews • individual careers consultations • careers workshops and employer events • career resources • job searching portals and tips Browse the CEO Canvas site to get a kick-start on your career today and access our re- sources on: • resume & cover letter templates, • job portals • career podcasts & videos Visit: Career Consults Career Consults You can drop into the Careers Lounge Monday - Friday, between 1pm - 4pm to have your resume reviewed by a Career Leader and gain information regarding our resources and oppotunities. For specific careers advice, you can book a consultation with one of our Careers Consul- tants via our online appointment calendar to discuss your career path, interview tips and more. Limited appointments available. Visit: Here is what one of our wonderful Career Leaders has to say: “After attending numerous CEO workshops, I was able to perfect my resume, cover letter and application, and was successful in getting through to the video interview stage for two fo the three programs I applied for...” Jay Singh, Second Year Commerce student 3636

contact us Contact us Drop into the CEO Lounge to have your resume reviewed by one of our Career Leaders and get your free copy of the latest graduate employer magazines to help you with your job search. The Careers and Student Experience Lounge Basement Level, Abercrombie Building Monday - Friday, 1pm - 4pm (teaching weeks only) Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: CEO@Sydney CEO Employableyou calendar CEO E mployableyou calendar Register for any of our upcoming careers workshops and employer events via our Em- ployableYOU calendar to start developing and polishing your employability skills. Register: 3737

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, Frankie McGrath and Tommy Moran. 51 51

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