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Time Spent On average, patients spent a little more than an hour for their hand surgery at the clinic. Approximately, 96% of patients spent 30 minutes to 2 hours (See Figure 3). Time Spent 2% 2% 45% 51% 30 min - 1hr 1hr - 2 hrs 2hrs - 3 hrs 3hrs+ Figure 3: Amount of time spent in-office Pain Patients were asked to rate their level of pain during the injection of the local anesthetic and during the operation, with 0 being no pain at all and 10 being the worst pain. 96% reported a pain score of 5 or less during the injection of local anesthetic (Figure 4). 69% reported a pain score of 0 during their WALANT operation (Figure 5). 98% of patients felt that the pain they experienced with WALANT was much the same or less than having a dental procedure (Figure 6). Postoperatively, 98% stated they did not have any nausea or vomiting, and 2% reported some nausea and vomiting (Figure 7). 52% of patients reported that the local anesthetic only lasted 1 – 2 hours post-operation (Figure 8). Pain during injection of local Pain during WALANT anesthetic 35 33 18 30 16 ients25 ents16 at iat14 f p20 12 10 o 15 f po10 8 8 er er 8 mb10 6 6 Nu 5 3 3 mbu4 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 N 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pain score Pain Scores Figure 4: Pain scores during the injection of local anesthetic Figure 5: Pain scores using WALANT Patient Benefits and Economic Value of In-Office 9 Surgery for Hand Procedures

Patient Benefits and Economic Value of InOffice Surgery for Hand Procedures - Page 9 Patient Benefits and Economic Value of InOffice Surgery for Hand Procedures Page 8 Page 10