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European - Chinese Photographic Art Yearbook 2022-2023 INTRODUCTION This Chinese Photographic Art Yearbook is a highly authoritative and in昀氀uential historical book. It is the only large-scale photo- graphic publication in China associated with a cultural public charitable institution, but it is not just a collection of photographic artworks, it is also a record of an entire era of Chinese image-making and a record of images from the whole world. As a result, it has a huge role in cultural dissemination and as a record of the progress of civilisation. The book was founded in 2006 by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China - the China Academy of Arts and has now been published continuously for 16 years. With the consistent expansion of the in昀氀uence of the Chinese Photographic Art Yearbook at home and abroad, Mr. Gao Jian- sheng, the editor-in-chief of the Yearbook, used his broad international vision, profound cultural background and artistic insight and decided to establish the Chinese Photographic Art Yearbook in London, UK, The Editorial Committee of the Yearbook - European Volume has authorised Sino European Arts Ltd., UK, to be responsible for sourcing equally excellent artworks in Europe, as well as editing, designing and publishing this edition. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of ambassadorial diplomatic relations between China and the UK and – by way of celebrating the half century of exchanges and cooperation in the 昀椀elds of art and culture following that agree- ment-the European - Chinese Photographic Art Yearbook 2022 is proudly launched. Photography is a universal language that needs no translation: a powerful image can express the ideas and the emotions of the photographer. Through the launch of this Yearbook we aim to greatly promote ongoing communication between Eastern and Western art and culture Previous Yearbooks were dominated by Chinese photographers, but this one includes European photographers for the 昀椀rst time. Showing the two side-by-side will promote artistic exchange and symbiosis between China and Europe. The intention of this Yearbook is to bring together a variety of visions, through the lenses of these outstanding photographers, to show their unique views on visual art in their di昀昀erent cultural contexts. Through this Yearbook, we aim to promote the world’s photographic culture to create a new dialogue and develop the exchange of ideas across space and time. Western and Eastern perspectives are both represented, providing an e昀昀ective platform for cultural exchange between the two regions. This book is being published in London for the 昀椀rst time. It is edited and published in a limited edition and aims to create an e昀昀ective platform for cultural exchanges between East and the West. Target readers are photographic art collectors, photogra- phers, business investors and art lovers around the world. The Yearbook will be collected by the British Library and many other European art institutions as well as university libraries. The editorial board of this yearbook pays tribute to all the artists who have contributed to the images, sharing the wonderful world of art. We hereby thank them all for their many and varied contributions. European - Chinese Photographic Art Yearbook Editorial Committee

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