2024 Employee Benefits Market Outlook 4 昀椀nd capable workers to 昀椀ll open roles. Despite budge琀椀ng for compensa琀椀on increases in the upcoming year and the fact these increases will be high by historical standards, it’s unlikely that they’ll meet employee demands. Establishing proac琀椀ve and resilient organiza琀椀ons will be cri琀椀cal for a successful 2024. Employers should ensure that they can quickly and e昀昀ec琀椀vely respond to challenges. For example, ar琀椀昀椀cial intelligence (AI) has made its way into many workplaces, forever altering how employees work and employers operate. More employers are relying on AI for recrui琀椀ng and hiring. While this allows organiza琀椀ons to lower costs and operate more e昀케ciently, it presents certain challenges they must contend with in the upcoming year. Addi琀椀onally, for the last few years, employers have tried to force and incen琀椀vize employees to return to the o昀케ce, o昀琀en with mixed results. Overall, employers are pushing for their workers to return in 2024, but going forward, they will likely focus on approaches and work models that balance employee demands with organiza琀椀onal produc琀椀vity and e昀케ciency. Organiza琀椀ons will also need to address an琀椀cipated regulatory changes, such as a new over琀椀me rule, state-mandated leave policies and increased enforcement ac琀椀ons by federal agencies. As employers read the Market Outlook, they should consider which trends they may be suscep琀椀ble to in the upcoming year. Then, reach out to us to discuss the next steps and request valuable resources to help evaluate poten琀椀al solu琀椀ons and raise the challenges 2024 may bring. Together, we can meet the challenges and iden琀椀昀椀ed opportuni琀椀es presented in 2024.

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