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1.5 | A Complete Guide on Navigation

8 minute read


Adding navigation in RELAYTO helps users easily move through their content, saving time and making the experience smoother and more enjoyable. Let's learn about RELAYTO navigation.

Finding Navigation

Step 1

Click the "Settings" button in the top right corner.


Step 2

Click "Navigation" on the right-side menu. 


Using the AI Navigator Tool

RELAYTO uses AI to generate bookmarks for your experience. When you upload a PDF document to RELAYTO, the platform automatically analyzes your content and it generates a navigation structure that mirrors the document's flow. 


Click the "Generate with AI Navigator" button.


Adding CTAs to Navigation

Call-to-Actions (CTAs) add more value & engagement to your navigation. For example, a proposal document may have a ‘Respond  to Email’ which allows the client to respond directly to the intended audience, all while viewing the experience.

To understand How to Add a Call to Action on Navigation, click here.



Removing All Navigation

Click the "Delete navigation" button.


Adding a New Bookmark

Step 1

Click "Navigation" on the right-side menu. 


Step 2

A pulsating bookmark icon will appear on the left corner when you're inside the Navigation tab. Click on it and a new bookmark will appear on the Navigation tab.

Removing a Bookmark

Hover over the bookmark and click on the trash can icon labeled "Delete."

Nesting/Unnesting Pages Inside Navigation

Hover over the bookmark and click the "Nest" button. It will hide the page beneath the previous bookmark in the list. To reverse this nesting, click "Unnest" following the same process.

💡 Tips: Use nesting to create clear and simple structures. Try to fit all the content on the page without having to rely on the three dots button. To do it, shorten titles and group categories.

Navigation Formats & View

Step 1

Click on "Type" below the Navigation tab name.


Step 2

A popup will appear. Choose the navigation view you want. RELAYTO offers various navigation layout options.

💡 Tips: Sidebar Outline is optimal for longform, scrollable & A4 portrait print PDFs. It accommodates a larger area for title, width & content sections. 

Similarly, Top Menu is optimal for a larger viewable slide experience and condensable navigation title. Must be used when you have a prominent left sidebar hub.



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