Infocomm Brand Book


BRAND GUIDELINES This guide has been produced to ensure consistency of the InfoComm 2021 brand across all forms of communication. The goal is not to limit creativity, but to provide direction that will assist you in protecting the brand. This will help us produce materials that the public recognizes as distinctly ours. The guidelines should be read by anyone using the brand whether that be an in-house design team or any external parties such as contractors. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. OVERVIEW LOGO LOGO INCLUDING DATE LOGO STAMP LOGO GUIDE LOGO MIS-USE ADVERTISING EXAMPLES Marketing materials PRIMARY COLOR PALETTE secondary COLOR PALETTE colliding shapes ON-SITE SIGNAGE TYPOGRAPHY CONTACT OVERVIEW 2.

Infocomm Brand Book - Page 2

BRAND GUIDELINES Mono white-out One color InfoComm’s logo was designed to create a bold identity. The logo should appear in the top right or bottom right of all artwork if possible. Please use the one color and mono white-out versions appropriately. LOGO 3.

BRAND GUIDELINES Mono white-out One color The InfoComm logo including the 2021 date should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. It should appear in the top right or bottom right of all artwork if possible. Please use the one color and mono white-out versions appropriately. LOGO INCLUDING DATE 4.

BRAND GUIDELINES Color logo Shapes incorporated White out logo This stamp version of the logo can be used throughout the InfoComm 2021 campaign. It must be surrounded on all sides by adequate clear space. The 2021 InfoComm branding can also be placed within the stamp.   LOGO STAMP 5.

BRAND GUIDELINES Web: No smaller than 35px in height Print: No smaller than 1/2 inch in height LOGO GUIDE MINIMUM SIZE The logo has been designed to be a minimum size of 1/2 inch in height. There is no maximum size. On web the logo should be no smaller than 35px in height. CLEAR SPACE To protect the clarity and integrity, the InfoComm logo should be kept clear of competing text, images and graphics. It must be surrounded on all sides by adequate clear space - a space equal in size to the height of the letter ‘m’ within the logo. 6.

BRAND GUIDELINES Correct use Do not change the colors Do not enlarge parts of the logo Do not put the logo in a box Do not add visual effects Do not distort the proportions Do not rotate Do not remove parts of the logo Do not change, re-draw, re-color or alter the brand mark in any way. Always use the master digital file when reproducing the brand mark. Always ensure the brand mark is highly visible at all times. LOGO MIS-USE 7.

BRAND GUIDELINES The InfoComm 2021 branding and advertising should remain as consistent as possible. Here are 4 examples of the InfoComm advertising. The IC21 stamp should appear in the top left corner of all print and web advertising where possible. ADVERTISING EXAMPLES 8.

BRAND GUIDELINES Text heavy 2021 Pass Plus, demonstrating text in a white box. marketing materials 9.

BRAND GUIDELINES HEX #: 020206 C M Y K 76 69 65 87 R G B 2 2 6 HEX #: 60179A C M Y K 78 100 0 0 R G B 96 23 154 HEX #: 6853CB C M Y K 70 73 0 0 R G B 104 83 203 HEX #: BF3930 C M Y K 18 91 91 7 R G B 191 57 48 HEX #: 85E8E8 C M Y K 41 0 14 0 R G B 133 232 232 HEX #: 354093 C M Y K 95 89 5 0 R G B 53 64 147 HEX #: BA49CD C M Y K 41 79 0 0 R G B 186 73 205 HEX #: EDEB65 C M Y K 10 0 74 0 R G B 237 235 101 HEX #: 1B2480 C M Y K 100 98 18 6 R G B 27 36 128 HEX #: 60B762 C M Y K 65 3 83 0 R G B 96 183 98 Color is the most elemental and memorable way in which designs are communicated. Here are the primary colors for the 2021 InfoComm campiagn. Wherever possible the brand colors should be printed by specifying the Pantone, CMYK or RGB color values. The Hex values have been calculated to match the CMYK colors for web use. 10. PRIMARY COLOR PALETTE

BRAND GUIDELINES 11. The InfoComm 2021 color palette features three alternative colour ways to combine the dynamic colliding shapes. These can be used in marketing materials to vary the look and feel. SECONDARY COLOR PALETTEs HEX #: E16700 C M Y K 65 3 83 0 R G B 96 183 98 HEX #: E9A600 C M Y K 8 37 100 0 R G B 233 166 0 HEX #: DD8097 C M Y K 10 61 22 0 R G B 221 128 151 HEX #: C04059 C M Y K 20 89 55 4 R G B 192 64 89 HEX #: 0092D1 C M Y K 78 30 0 0 R G B 0 146 209 HEX #: FF598E C M Y K 0 81 15 0 R G B 255 89 142 HEX #: 800F7F C M Y K 61 100 14 3 R G B 128 15 127 HEX #: 00497C C M Y K 100 77 27 11 R G B 0 73 124 HEX #: BC0332 C M Y K 18 100 83 9 R G B 188 3 50 HEX #: 60042C C M Y K 39 100 60 51 R G B 96 4 44 HEX #: 00015A C M Y K 100 98 24 38 R G B 0 1 90 HEX #: 003A76 C M Y K 100 86 27 13 R G B 0 58 118 Alt palette 1 Alt palette 2 Alt palette 3

BRAND GUIDELINES InfoComm 2021 uses a range of colliding shapes as part of the creative brand. These shapes are fluid and flexible so the combinations and scale can be played with. When used as an EPS vector can be scaled to any size. The shapes can be used over imagery and the background graphics. They can be used where necessary within the creative style. Colliding shapes 12. Primary Secondary

BRAND GUIDELINES Signage example On-site signage is an opportunity to make a positive impression and an important way to communicate information to a large number of people. Both logos must be surrounded on all sides by adequate clear space. ON-SITE SIGNAGE 13.

BRAND GUIDELINES Gotham Book ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890?!$%&@#£ Bebas Neue Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890?!$%&@#£ Arial Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890?!$%&@#£ Gotham Consistent use of the brand typography is critical to brand recognition. InfoComm’s 2021 brand typeface is Bebas Neue Bold. Bebas Neue Bold should be used for all headings. Gotham Book should be used as the main body copy for all publications. The smallest size that this should appear is 8pt. Gotham Bold can be used to emphasize any text within the body copy. Where Gotham is not available Arial should be used as a substitute. TYPOGRAPHY BEBAS Gotham Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890?!$%&@#£ 14.

BRAND GUIDELINES InfoComm International 11242 Waples Mill Road, Suite 200, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA CONTACT BARBARA BLASKOWSKY Senior Director, Marketing Call: (703) 273-7200 ext. 3360 Email: [email protected] LILLIE FUJINAGA OBIOHA Creative Director Call: +1.703.273.7200 ext. 3023 Email: [email protected]