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S 01 | Ep 39 Elevating SaaS Events: Creating Memorable and Unique Experiences | Show notes

After 11 years of sales experience in IT, Telecoms & Cloud, Alex Theuma started a blog on SaaS called SaaScribe. This soon caught on, and he built a powerful network across the SaaS founder and investor community. The blog led to the creation of the first-ever podcast on B2B SaaS, called The SaaS Revolution Show. That led to the first exclusively SaaS-themed meetups in London, Dublin and Berlin. Since then SaaStock has grown to be the biggest B2B SaaS Conference in Europe. It has become the world’s most impactful conference for SaaS founders on the journey to $10M+ Annual Recurring Revenue and beyond.



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Catalyzing Growth in the B2B SaaS Sphere


We'll soon be publicly saying about serendipity being dead and that we have to look more at the experience and facilitating these one-to-one connections, which are probably the most useful things that people get out of the events. (Alex Theuma)


The conversation kicks off with an exploration of what SaaStock is and how it has evolved over its eight-year journey. Alex Theuma shares insights into the genesis of SaaStock as a community-driven platform culminating in the renowned SaaS conference held annually in Dublin, catering to thousands of attendees, including B2B SaaS founders, executives, investors and emerging companies.

The discussion highlights SaaStock's expansion into the U.S. market and its innovative approach to fostering connections and knowledge-sharing among SaaS professionals worldwide. Emphasis is placed on the SaaStock Founder Membership, likened to esteemed entrepreneurial organizations EO and YPO, designed to provide founders with a supportive network, curated masterminds and educational resources essential for scaling their ventures.

As the conversation unfolds, the hosts commend SaaStock's commitment to innovation, both in digital and physical experiences, exemplified by its unique events and founder-focused initiatives. They underscore the significance of deliberate experience curation in facilitating meaningful connections and learning opportunities, challenging the notion of event serendipity and advocating for a more intentional approach.

The conversation concludes with anticipation for the forthcoming SaaStock event in Dublin, promising new products, experiences and a reinvigorated focus on enhancing participant engagement.





Innovate or Plateau: Insights from Event Industry Innovators


We are cognizant of the fact that we need to innovate and, obviously, there is the saying “Innovate or die”. I do believe that while SaaStock is great today if we just continue doing the same thing we're doing for the next eight years, we probably won't be around or we will have plateaued. (Alex Theuma)


The speakers reflect on the rapid rise and subsequent decline of virtual events, highlighting how necessity drove innovation during the pandemic. However, with the return to in-person events, there's a sense that many organizers are reverting to old habits rather than embracing continued innovation.

Alex Theuma shares insights into the innovation pillars driving his business, particularly focusing on the evolution of the SaaStock podcast. As a seasoned podcaster with over 400 episodes, Theuma reflects on the early challenges and successes of the podcast, emphasizing the strategic importance of securing high-profile guests to jumpstart audience engagement.

The discussion shifts towards the revenue model of event-driven businesses, with sponsorship emerging as a significant revenue stream. Theuma outlines the strategies employed to enhance sponsor engagement, including the integration of videos and the creation of a high-velocity, engaging sponsorship portfolio. By providing concrete examples and facilitating targeted content consumption, SaaStock has successfully navigated the economic challenges faced by the event industry, ensuring continued growth and relevance in the competitive landscape.









Creating rock-and-roll-inspired events


We want to give the customers a little bit of a wow moment and a feeling that they're not just going through, let's say, a boring PDF. So hopefully, we get a feeling, reaction, something from that initial user experience which not only shows that we get it and we care. We're putting detail not only in the decks around experience but through to the actual physical event. (Alex Theuma)

Alex Theuma highlights the use of tools like RELAYTO to enhance sales materials, focusing on videos and user-friendly navigation for potential partners. This sets the stage for an engaging event experience right from the start.

The conversation extends to supporting partners throughout their journey with SaaStock, providing comprehensive materials and visually appealing booth setups. Theuma's commitment to customer obsession is rooted in his vision of creating a rock-and-roll-inspired event akin to Woodstock.

Alex Shevelenko acknowledges SaaStock's success, attributing it to Theuma's dedication and meticulous planning. Every detail, from branded beer mats to curated flags, is crafted with attendee experience in mind.





From personalized invitations to immersive event environments


Jimi Hendrix, Woodstock, the rock-and-roll. We kind of wanted this, too. To not just be a boring B2B conference where you have meetings. (Alex Theuma)


Alex Theuma talks about the importance of infusing creativity and passion into every aspect of event planning, from personalized invitations to immersive event environments. While acknowledging the necessity of cost-conscious decisions, Theuma underscores the value of prioritizing customer experience above all else. This commitment to excellence has become ingrained in SaaStock's DNA, permeating every level of the organization and contributing to its sustained success.

The conversation shifts to the challenges facing SaaS marketers in today's landscape, particularly in light of budget constraints and evolving sales motions. Theuma reflects on the resilience and creativity required to navigate these challenges, highlighting the importance of strategic hiring, especially at the CMO level.









Practical advice for CEOs navigating the journey to $10 million ARR and beyond



If you don't speak to your customers, if you're not obsessed with them, then you're leading yourself down the wrong path. (Alex Theuma)


The conversation begins with Alex Theuma discussing the evolving ideal customer profile (ICP) within SaaS companies. Traditionally, companies focused on selling to specific personas, such as CEOs or chief people officers. However, recent trends indicate a shift towards targeting multiple personas, including CFOs, CROs and CMOs. This change necessitates a more nuanced approach to messaging and event planning to accommodate diverse audience needs.

The speakers explore the complexities of catering to multiple personas within SaaS companies, both from a marketing and event perspective. They discuss the challenges of crafting personalized experiences while addressing the varied interests and priorities of different stakeholders. Additionally, they highlight the importance of creating opportunities for attendees to discover relevant content and engage with like-minded professionals at events.

The conversation transitions to practical advice for CEOs navigating the journey to $10 million ARR and beyond. Theuma emphasizes the significance of building a strong support network, including fellow CEOs, executive coaches, and industry peers. He underscores the value of continuous learning and customer obsession in driving business success, drawing from his extensive experience interviewing SaaS leaders on the SaaStock podcast.

As the episode concludes, Alex Theuma invites listeners to join the vibrant SaaStock community, where industry professionals converge to exchange insights, build relationships, and drive innovation. 








Check the the episode's Transcript (AI-generated) HERE. 





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Experience-focused Leaders

Experience-focused Leaders is the #1 Multimedia Podcast! We talk to senior business & tech leaders about the experiences that move forward organizations, customers and society at large. True to form, we mix audio, video, web and eBook formats to turn these authentic conversations into personalized nuggets you'll remember & use.