2022 Annual Report 14 30% Club France Investor Group Sharing Best Practices Please find a few examples of the best practices we observed on the different pillars that were identified as evidence of a genuine strategy toward gender equity. Promotion & Meritocracy (Edenred, Business Services) We engaged with the Chairman & CEO to understand the corporate culture and practices of a company that drives or impedes a better representation of women at executive levels, given the current low level of representation (9% of the executive committee and only one woman as head of communication) despite a positive momentum at other levels (Top 400 f rom 21% up to 34% of women between 2018 and 2021). We appreciate the commitment to gender diversity and the involvement of the Chairman & CEO in this journey as he assured us that gender diversity was addressed with concrete examples. We will monitor progress over time as we know it will take time to get to the floor of 30% of the members of the ExCO, particularly given the age of the talent pipeline. Moreover, the reality is that the pipeline is skewed toward men because of historical patterns in recruitment and promotions. Pure meritocracy will need to be a little twisted to give room and opportunities for women. In a nutshell, the strategy adopted to foster female representation at the ExCo and build a sustainable pipeline of talent (Top 400) is articulated around: • External search obligation for headhunters to present at least a man and a woman for each position in the short-list of applicants - a requirement not easy to fulfill and time- consuming. • Internally, this gender-balanced approach is much more complicated to apply. It would be counterproductive to scare away talents that have developed over time within the firm and have contributed to corporate success. As such, the CEO is the arbiter and oversees recruitment for the Top 400 positions (now filled with 34% women). It’s a collegial process. • With equal skills and attitude, the least represented gender will be chosen, but the person of the underrepresented gender might still be selected even if they have a worse attitude & skills but estimates that attitude and skills are at the expected level for the position, and they have the potential to develop. If the applicant chosen is not of the underrepresented gender, a more in-depth analysis of the reasons for this choice will be requested to ensure that the process was carried out in compliance with the Group’s policy. • If they apply a principle of pure meritocracy, they are at risk of reproducing the past with a pool of 75% men and 25% women. Meanwhile, they must not scare away promising talent. There is a judgment call and trust that the candidate has sufficient skills and the attitude to “live” the position (“you have to know how to give a chance”). • Developing role models and inspiring women - women must be more visible, whatever their title or hierarchical position. For internal events (product keynotes, conventions, etc.), the audience must be 50% men and 50% women. Since 2019, the talent week training programs and the company’s executive academy have targeted at least 40% and 35% of women, respectively. The company put in place a coaching program for women (mentors for one year chosen among the management team) but also mandatory trainings on diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias, and ways of fighting the tendency to self-censorship in monthly meetings. Case Study 1