FNV: TSX | NYSE 114 APPENDIX E UN Global Compact: Communication on Progress PRINCIPLES Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and Principle 2: Make sure that they are not complicit in human right abuses. POLICIES • Human Rights Policy • Investment Principles Policy (Environmental, Social and Governance) • Supplier Code of Conduct • Whistleblower Policy DESCRIPTION OF ACTIONS IN 2021 • We transitioned our workforce to working remotely and adopted hybrid work arrangements for our employees to continue to provide flexibility and reduce commuting time and health risk exposure • We renewed our partnership with Compañía Miñera Antamina S.A. in sponsoring Enseña Peru, an initiative aimed at improving education at existing schools in the country and providing educational opportunities to children • We ensured that all of our consultants and service providers agreed to comply with our Supplier Code of Conduct, which sets out our standards with respect to human rights • When making investments, we conducted thorough ESG-related due diligence, including the human rights record of the applicable operator and operation • We closely monitored for any human rights issues or controversies for our existing assets MEASUREMENT OF OUTCOMES IN 2021 • There were no workplace incidents, labor violations, or reports of violence or harassment in our workplace (see Appendix A of this ESG Report) • There were no noted or reported human rights incidents relating to our suppliers (see Appendix A of this ESG Report) Human Rights Progress on the Ten Principles in 2021
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