FNV: TSX | NYSE 21 Operators Asset: Antapaccay Country: Peru 2021 Revenue: $111.6 million glencore.com/sustainability We have a gold and silver stream on Glencore’s Antapaccay project in Peru. Climate: Glencore has targeted a 15% reduction in its total CO 2 e emissions by 2026, a 50% reduction in its total CO 2 e emissions by 2035, and has committed to be a net-zero total CO 2 e emissions company by 2050. As a significant producer and recycler of commodities (including copper, cobalt, nickel, zinc, silver and vanadium) that underpin the infrastructure and battery chemistry required to power electric vehicles and energy storage systems, Glencore believes that it is well positioned in the transition to a low-carbon economy. Water Management: Antapaccay is located in Peru’s Espinar province, an area of natural mineralisation. In Espinar, the water is mineralised and naturally unfit for human consumption. The increasing local population and expanding farming activities are creating stress on water availability. In addition, the limited infrastructure in the region is affecting the availability of water. Antapaccay has put in place measures, such as monitoring and water treatment, to ensure its activities do not affect water quality or availability. Antapaccay has also implemented a number of participatory monitoring programmes with local communities. All participatory and company monitoring activities demonstrate that Antapaccay operates in line with Peruvian law. Bio-Diversity: Glencore owns, leases or manages 105,000 hectares adjacent to protected areas and 188,000 hectares adjacent to high biodiversity areas. The Company’s operations are required to develop risk-based land stewardship and biodiversity action/management plans and to integrate these plans into core business planning processes. At Antapaccay, where locals lack the water infrastructure required to support agriculture and livestock activities, causing low agricultural productivity, the Company has initiated a project to install an irrigation system for managing water for agricultural purposes as well as constructing a reservoir to collect and distribute rainwater. Diversity and Inclusion: In 2021, 37.5% of Glencore’s board of directors and 13% of its executive officers were women and the Company had 13,875 female employees, representing 16% of its total workforce. In 2021, the Company adopted a Diversity and Inclusion Policy with the aim of inclusion of all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need and giving equal access and opportunities and removing discrimination and intolerance. Health & Safety: During 2020, Glencore’s Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 0.94 per million hours worked for all of its operations was lower than the previous year (2019: 0.99). During 2020, Glencore’s health working group implemented management plans in response to COVID-19 and undertook work to strengthen health management practices. Transparency: In 2021, Glencore published its “Climate Report 2021: Pathway to Net-zero”, which is aligned with the TCFD framework. The Company also publishes an annual Sustainability Report, which reports in line with Global Reporting Index (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) frameworks and for which the Company receives independent external assurance for certain reported energy, emission, water usage and other reported data. Franco-Nevada team during a due diligence visit to Antapaccay
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