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FNV: TSX | NYSE 24 Climate: In 2021, Sibanye-Stillwater announced its target to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040. This will be underpinned by the Company’s life-of-mine profile, active interventions proposed in the roadmap and further carbon abatement and offset opportunities currently under investigation. The Company also has near-term Science-Based Targets Initiative goals to reduce its Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions by 27.3% by 2025, premised on its 2010 baseline year. Water Management: Stillwater has a legally binding Good Neighbor Agreement (“GNA”) for the Stillwater project with three local stakeholder organisations, which provides an innovative framework for the protection of the environment. The GNA adaptive management plan (“AMP”) was finalised and implemented in 2020. The AMP is a stakeholder-driven, independent water monitoring and assurance plan aligning with the goals and objectives of the GNA. The AMP is a tiered-response plan that creates triggers for water-quality reporting and action to levels below state or federal limits and has been developed to adjust as conditions change, knowledge improves, regulatory criteria is modified or as targets change. Bio-Diversity: Sibanye-Stillwater is committed to driving a net gain in biodiversity through: specialist assessment of the biotic and abiotic resources; driving clear, implementable, scientifically based action plans to drive resilience of ecosystems; and integrated catchment management programs. At the Stillwater project, the Company has a commitment made under its GNA to monitor the trout population and health in the Stillwater River and has established a database to annually evaluate the impact its activities have on the local river system and fish stocks. Diversity and Inclusion: As of January 2021, 30% of Sibanye-Stillwater’s board of directors and 15% of its executive officers were women. The Company has set a target for 30% of its workforce to be comprised of women by 2025. A Women-in-Mining program has been launched by the Company to facilitate the drive towards the greater gender diversity of its workforce. Health & Safety: The Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) for all of Sibanye-Stillwater’s operations during 2020 was 5.56 per million hours worked, which was slightly higher than the previous year (2019: 5.53). The focus of the company’s health care team for most of 2020 and 2021 was managing and mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our employees, contractors and communities. This has included the implementation of management support, promotion of well-being and lifestyle changes as well as a broad range of services such as counselling and psychological and trauma issues. Transparency: Sibanye-Stillwater publishes a comprehensive annual Integrated Report and reports in line with the Global Reporting Index (GRI) framework. The Company also produces an Annual Report on the Implementation of the World Gold Council’s Responsible Gold Mining Principles, an annual UN Global Compact Communication-on-Progress, an annual ICMM self-assessment, and various fact sheets including relating to social and labour plans, tailings management, and bio-diversity. Operators Asset: Stillwater Country: USA 2021 Revenue: $57.8 million We have a royalty interest on the Stillwater Complex in Montana, USA. Stillwater mine in Montana

2022 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada - Page 24 2022 ESG Report | Franco-Nevada Page 23 Page 25