FNV: TSX | NYSE 25 Operators Assets: Hemlo, Goldstrike, South Arturo and Gold Quarry* Countries: Canada and USA 2021 Revenue: $51.2 million* barrick.com/English/sustainability/ default.aspx We have royalty interests on the Hemlo gold mine in Ontario, Canada and on Nevada Gold Mines’ Goldstrike, South Arturo and Gold Quarry gold mines in Nevada, United States. * Includes 2021 revenue from Hemlo and 61.5% of 2021 revenue from Goldstrike, South Arturo and Gold Quarry, which projects are held by Nevada Gold Mines LLC (Barrick’s joint venture with Newmont). Climate: Barrick has a goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, achieved primarily through greenhouse gas reductions and offsets for some hard-to-abate emissions. In 2021, the Company set an emissions reduction target of at least 30% by 2030 with an interim reduction target of 15% for projects already being implemented, while maintaining a steady production profile. As of YE2020, Barrick had $368 million invested in greenhouse gas reduction initiatives and had a further $199 million in capital committed to emissions reduction projects. Water Management: Each month, every Barrick project reports on its water use. These reports provide a full picture of water use across the project for the month, including: total water withdrawn, water diverted, water discharged, consumption, total water used, water recycled, water reused, and change in storage. In late 2020, Barrick conducted a review of its mines to better understand which are exposed or potentially exposed to water stress, either in terms of water scarcity or surplus water. In regions identified as water scarce or vulnerable to water stress, Barrick’s water management plans take particular care to account for the reduced supply of freshwater for local communities and ecosystems. Barrick aims to use low-quality water and to recycle and reuse as much water from its processes as possible. Bio-Diversity: Barrick aims wherever possible to achieve a net neutral biodiversity impact, particularly for ecologically sensitive environments. To help the Company fulfil this commitment, it set a target for all of its operational sites to develop and implement a Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) by the end of 2021. As of 2020, BAPs were in place at 11 of its 12 operational mines and BAPs were developed for the Nevada Gold Mines joint venture during the year. Diversity and Inclusion: As of 2020, 20% of Barrick’s board of directors and 15% of senior management were women. Of its workforce of more than 40,000 employees across 13 countries, 10% were women. Barrick has taken steps to encourage greater gender diversity across the organization by focusing on way to support women working at its mines, changing cultural norms and raising awareness among local communities, working with governments to remove barriers, and supporting alternative livelihood opportunities for women. Health & Safety: In 2020, Barrick recorded a Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 0.34 per million hours worked for all of its operations, 32% lower than the previous year. In 2020, the Company implemented its Journey to Zero Harm initiative focused on proactive management of safety across the Company. Transparency: On annual basis, Barrick releases a Sustainability Report containing TCFD-aligned climate disclosure, a Conflict-Free Gold Report, a Human Rights Report, a UN Global Compact Communication-on-Progress and an Independent Assurance Statement. The Company reports in line with Global Reporting Index (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) frameworks. Hemlo site reclamation
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