FNV: TSX | NYSE 26 Operators Assets: Ahafo, Musselwhite, Goldstrike, South Arturo and Gold Quarry* Countries: Ghana, Canada and USA 2021 Revenue: $26.4 million* newmont.com/sustainability We have royalty interests on the Ahafo (Subika) gold mine in Ghana, on the Musselwhite gold mine in Ontario, Canada and on Nevada Gold Mines’ Goldstrike, South Arturo and Gold Quarry gold mines in Nevada, United States. * Includes 2021 revenue from Ahafo (Subika) and 38.5.% of 2021 revenue from Goldstrike, South Arturo and Gold Quarry, which projects are held by Nevada Gold Mines LLC (Newmont’s joint venture with Barrick). Climate: Newmont has committed to climate targets of 32% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and to its emissions intensity by 2030. The Company has an ultimate goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and is in the process of developing a roadmap for such ambition, focusing on renewables, fuel, mine efficiencies, offsets and partnerships. In 2020, Newmont committed to investing $500 million over the next five years to support the pathways required to reach its targets. Water Management: Newmont has developed participatory monitoring programs involving internal and external stakeholders, which supports the Company’s transparency and water stewardship and builds credibility. At the Ahafo project in Ghana, Newmont is currently developing a community program, which will be piloted first with water monitoring and expanded later to include blasting and agreed upon social issues. Feedback from community leaders, government officials and water experts will be incorporated, and a governing steering committee established prior to the programs being implemented. At the Musselwhite project in Canada, community members are offered onsite training on the environmental monitoring programs, and water quality reports are provided and discussed with the community on a regular basis. The site also employs an environmental monitor from a local Indigenous community. Bio-Diversity: Newmont’s Biodiversity Management Standard aims to proactively manage risks with a target of achieving no net loss of key biodiversity values in areas affected by its activities. The Company is partnered with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on its biodiversity programs and aligns its efforts with ICMM’s Mining and Protected Areas position statement, in which it agrees to respect legally designated protected areas and not explore or mine in World Heritage sites. Diversity and Inclusion: In 2020, women represented 45% of Newmont’s board of directors, 43% of its executive leadership team, and 13 percent of its entire workforce. As active participants in the Paradigm for Parity framework, a coalition of business leaders committed to a workplace where women and men have equal power, status and opportunity in senior leadership by 2030, the Company is committed to advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goal to achieve gender equality. Health & Safety: In 2020, Newmont recorded a workforce Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) of 0.21 per 200,000 hours worked for all of its operations, which was slightly lower than the previous year (2019: 0.22). The Company sets measurable objectives and targets such as Fatality Risk Management critical control verifications and zero fatalities to drive continuous improvements, and its publicly discloses metrics tracked by its industry. Transparency: On annual basis, Newmont releases numerous ESG reports, including a Sustainability Report, a TCFD-aligned Climate Strategy Report, a Conflict-Free Gold Report, a Community Relationships Review, and an RGMP Independent Assurance Statement. The Company reports in line with Global Reporting Index (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) frameworks. A beneficiary of Newmont Ahafo Development Foundation’s micro credit support
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