FNV: TSX | NYSE 27 Operators Asset: Marcellus Royalty Country: United States 2021 Revenue: $36.1 million csr.rangeresources.com We have a 1% overriding royalty interest on 350,000 acres of Range’s operations in the Marcellus formation in Pennsylvania. Certain of the standards on page 18 above have not been implemented by, and are not applicable to, Range Resources, which is an energy producer with operations solely located in the United States. Climate: Range has set a 2025 net-zero goal for its Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions. In 2020, the Company recorded a 66% reduction in total greenhouse gas emissions, a 69% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions intensity, and an 86% reduction in methane emissions intensity, compared to 2017 levels. Water Management: Range Resources’ pioneering of large-scale water recycling in shale development over 10 years ago made it the first Company to achieve nearly 100% water reuse levels. The Company was also the first in the industry to voluntarily disclose the composition of its hydraulic fracturing fluids on a per-well basis. In 2020, approximately 60% of the total water used for Range Resources’ operations was reuse water and the Company recycled close to 100% of the flowback and produced water from its operations. Bio-Diversity: Although Range’s current operating areas do not coincide with any Critical Habitats or areas currently recognized as Globally or Internationally Important Areas of High Biodiversity (as recognized by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, World Heritage Sites and Ramsar Wetlands), Range is a committed steward of the environment and works to minimize its impact on the land in which it operates. Improvements in horizontal drilling technologies continue to allow the Company to access large volumes of natural gas with fewer wells and with less surface land disturbance. Range also remains focused on conducting its development activities on existing pads, where possible, resulting in reduced surface disruption. Diversity and Inclusion: As of 2021, 29% of Range’s board of directors, 40% of its board committee chairs, and 18% of senior management were women. Backed by the Company commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, it seeks to continue to foster a culture of inclusiveness, and to that end, all employees participate in annual diversity and inclusion training. Additionally, managers attend annual inclusion training based on a separate curriculum specifically for individuals with supervisory responsibilities. Health & Safety: The Company recorded a total recordable injury rate (TRIR) of 0.30 in 2020, a significant reduction year-over-year (2019: 0.62). In 2020, Range employees completed 1,800 hours of safety-related training. In early 2020, Range activated the Crisis Management Team comprised of senior management members, representing several departments across the organization whose primary focus was on developing plans to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. Transparency: Range publishes an annual Corporate Sustainability Report, which includes TCFD-aligned disclosure, and Corporate Sustainability Tear Sheet. The Company reports in line with Global Reporting Index (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA) frameworks. Range Resources rig in the Marcellus region
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