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PHYSICAL ACTIVITY 446. Play Toss Find a partner and go into a hallway and toss a football or bouncy ball back and forth. Use an imaginary one if you can’t find or use a real one. 447. Touch Once While on break at an offsite, play One–Touch with people: see how long you can keep a ball (or even a crumpled piece of paper) in the air by hitting it. The only rule is that the same person can’t hit it twice in a row. 448. Workout Use your lunchbreak to workout at your local gym. 449. Fill a Knead Get a massage at the end of the day. Even better, have your group hire a masseuse to come in during the day and allow people to 1 take breaks for a massage. 1 Google, Boeing, and others have done this and tout incredible benefits, not just for employees but also the bottom line. One study showed office workers who received regular massages were more alert, less stressed, and performed better. See Massage. 227

501 Ways to Use Humor - Page 238 501 Ways to Use Humor Page 237 Page 239