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56 Quiderepre Ut eum lam, tem fugiasserum quia ditaspe ribusam sinimus que evenem ipsunt omnime nonsenimus, ut quunt ea vellatur, aut aligname eate velenti dolupta atur, apeliquam, sitatur aut que dendem volupienis exerchi ligendi samenihiciur antur, omnit Ut eum lam, tem fugiasserum quia ditaspe ribusam sinimus que evenem ipsunt omnime nonsenimus, ut quunt ea vellatur, aut aligname eate velenti dolupta atur, apeliquam, sitatur aut que dendem volupienis exerchi ligendi samenihiciur antur, omnit Quiderepre A maximum of 2 corner pieces should be used on a single page at a time. Corner pieces should never overlap the pin stripe swipe & slice. Corner pieces should only be used on corners that are along the same edge of the page. Avoid overuse of the large banner. Never use them on adjacent pages. Layouts should avoid having full page floods that are not white, PMS 3165, or an image. Avoid butting warm and cool brand colors against each other. Corner pieces should not be overly large. They should never extend further than 1/4 of the way across the page. 56

AAM Brand Book - Page 56 AAM Brand Book Page 55 Page 57