Revenue-driving teams report better • Marketing teams that are responsible for revenue outcomes for employee engagement goals spend a smaller proportion of their work week on non-core tasks (24% vs. 31% among teams that From reducing time spent on non-core tasks, to proving are not responsible for revenue goals) the impact and value of their team, marketing leaders targeting revenue goals are more able to unlock factors • Marketing teams that are responsible for revenue shown to bolster employee engagement. goals have more visibility into campaign ROI (33% compared to 16% among teams that are not responsible for revenue goals) • The most common pain points for revenue-focused marketing teams are gaps in skills or expertise; these teams also struggle the least with inefficient workflows and inflexible marketing tools The percentage of marketing teams with ‘very or moderately high’ visibility into campaign and content ROI Responsible for meeting revenue goals 33% Not responsible for revenue goals 16% Total 29% The main factors inhibiting marketing teams’ success. Rklpoiltiokg-oag kk tig No gaklpoiltiokg-or To mo akvki-kgnomol akvki-kgnomol 4v% 43% 4y% Lmcrgo-gmotni ki gwt hgo hkagnor or mark g km l 52% 29% 4v% Gmpgtiglrtoolgoagkepka tlk 39% 4#% 4'% Lmcrgo-g t kolgnm mg og mrkgl am kntcgnkctltoil 32% 4#% 35% Iifketiokeioir-lkar-atkinolg mark ting oool 35% 3'% 34% Iil-Rctki eot t kngaklo-acklgFi-nnk Cgl mGW 25% 45% 29% Iil-Rctki gwoarfowl The takeaway is clear: Teams looking to improve operational efficiency and employee engagement might start by aligning their team to organizational revenue goals—whether it becomes a forcing function to drive better operations, or a way to reduce time spent on non-core work. For teams who already are responsible for revenue goals, leaders might double-down on visibility into metrics, or goal-based prioritization. 19 Airtable 2022 Marketing trends report

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