Only 1/4 1# 1 Kn 4 of the hrs/wk work week Marketing leaders spend an Is the amount of time marketing ‘Strongly agree’ they have the time average of 10 hours per week leaders spend in internal they need for creative collaboration. on non-core tasks. This jumps to (not customer-facing) meetings. 12 hours per week for leaders at companies with more than 5,000 employees. Only 1 in 4 1 in  Report that in a typical week they’re Believe they spend too much time able to work distraction-free. on status checks and updates. The percentage of the work week marketing leaders spend on non-core tasks (administration, meetings, etc. that don’t directly contribute to deliverables or goals) 0% none of my time is spent on non-core tasks 1% 1% to 9% 3% 10% to 19% 26% 20% to 29% 36% 30% to 39% 2L% 40% to 49% 9% 50% or more 0% 15 Airtable 2022 Marketing trends report

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