2. Collaboration challenges: If you’re starts at the planning stage, with teams making decisions not on the team, you may as well be at in siloes because data and information is not connected another company in one, collectively accessible place. We’ve all experienced the challenges of siloed or Research from McKinsey recently concluded that disconnected teams. You complete a project only to successful organizations rely on marketing to be an active discover another team has done the same work in collaborator with IT, Sales, HR, Finance, and Technology. parallel, or you haven’t brought in the right stakeholders. Unfortunately this report found that collaborating outside You struggle to tie your team’s initiatives and outcomes of marketing is comparable to collaborating with external to others, or realize your big success is irrelevant to the partners. Put simply, if you’re not on the marketing team, rest of the org. This frustration is widespread, with 74% you may as well be at another company. of marketing teams reporting their workflow is siloed with disconnected processes. Most likely, this disconnect 73% 66% 62% of marketing leaders found it of marketing leaders found it of marketing leaders found it moderately or very easy to moderately or very easy to moderately or very easy to collaborate within marketing. collaborate with those outside$ collaborate with those outside$ of marketing within the org. of the organi6ation entirely. Notably, those teams who find collaboration ‘very easy’ reported significant advantages over teams who find collaboration more difficult. For example, 33% of marketing leaders who find it ‘very easy’ to collaborate with the wider organization strongly agree their teams’ workflow is easy to scale up to increase marketing deliverables, compared to 17% who find collaboration ‘very difficult’ to ‘slightly easy’. The impact of working in silos 74% 22% of marketing teams report that Silo’d teams spend 22% more time their workfow is siloed and has on non