Teams investing in workflows experience Connecting data great results 50% of teams with ‘very efficient’ workflows report connecting marketing data from different sources is ‘very If you’re looking to address deeper team challenges, easy’ (vs. 13% of teams with inefficient workflows), and you might not start with your workflows. But this 38% of teams with very efficient workflows report turning report suggest that teams who do invest in workflow raw marketing data into actionable insights is ‘very easy’ efficiency also report better outcomes across a range (vs. 9% of teams with inefficient workflows). of indicators: Reaching objectives Teams with ‘moderate’ to ‘very efficient’ workflows are over 5x more likely to ‘almost always’ meet their objectives/goals (34% vs. 6% of teams with very to slightly inefficient workflows). And they’re twice as likely to meet their deadlines. Exceeding revenue goals Teams with moderate to very efficient workflows are over 3x more likely to exceed their marketing revenue goal (42% vs. 14% of teams with very to slightly inefficient workflow. To solve West Elm’s inefficiencies, Korin mapped their workflows and automated the most repeatable parts. Every photo and its metadata is automatically uploaded into Airtable, which contains the Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), detailed dimensions, color, angles, and the photography shot list for each image, and connects that information across related workflows and teams. Now, instead of manual data entry, Korin’s team spends its time getting creative. By investing in workflow efficiency, West Elm’s creative operations team can not only produce more than 1,000 images each week, but they’ve also connected seven departments, pulled 250 people into true cross-functional collaboration, and saved 85 hours every work week. 25 Airtable 2022 Marketing trends report