95% 52% 86% of marketing leaders reported an The increase in campaigns and of marketing leaders report their increase in the volume of campaign content requests over the last teams are stressed about workload, and content requests in the last year. This comRares to a P2% with top factors depicted in the year. This number was 80% in 2021. increase in 2020-21. graph (below). This remains the same from last year. The major factors contributing to workload stress for marketing teams Additional oo changing oetpontibilitiet 46% Incoeating volume of campaignt, oequettt, and content 42% Gapt in cuooent toolt 34% Challenget of wooking on oemote oo hyboid team 34% Changing needt of the butinett 3 % Inecient wook owt 27% Infoomation tilot between teamt 26% Uncleao poiooitization acoott teamt 24% Duplication of wook oo efoott 24% None of the above 0% I am frustrated by how long it takes to ship most campaigns. Agree Disagree 73% 27% 6 Airtable 2022 Marketing trends report

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