Sustainability Report 2021 82 © 2022 Applied Materials, Inc. All rights reserved. Applied Materials, the Applied Materials logo, Make Possible are trademarks of Applied Materials, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks contained herein are the property of their respective owners. This report builds on Applied’s previous disclosures and expands transparency through: > Reporting our total Scope 3 greenhouse-gas (GHG) inventory for the 2019 baseline year > Disclosing climate-related risks, opportunities, and data in accordance with the Task Force on Climate- related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) in the Annex > Continuing to improve and refine the accuracy of our reported data in the Annex > Expansion of limited third-party assurance to include Scope 3 emissions Applied Materials produces its Sustainability Report on an annual basis and data is reported by fiscal year unless clearly marked otherwise. Report data covers all global operations unless otherwise noted. Reporting Standards > This report has been prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Standards: Core option. A GRI Index is included in the report Annex . > Disclosures following the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) Semiconductor Standard are also provided in the report Annex . > We continue to enhance our alignment with TCFD by providing a TCFD Index in the report Annex and discussing the results of our climate risk assessment in the Climate and Energy section of the report. > Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are calculated following the GHG Protocol using the best available data in the reporting year. Calculation methodology improvements are likely to be implemented annually and will be transparently disclosed in future sustainability reports. > Throughout the report, we demonstrate alignment and contribution to key United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Report Information and Data Assurance Limited assurance of select indicators included in the Sustainability Report and Annex has been conducted by ERM CVS, whose assurance statement is provided on page 83 . Further, all Applied manufacturing sites maintain ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certifications, which require annual third-party audits of our management systems and processes. This report contains forward-looking statements, including our commitments, targets, and other statements that are not historical facts. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, and are not guarantees of future performance. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements are set forth in the “Risk Factors” of our SEC filings, including our recent Forms 10-K, 10-Q, and 8-K. All forward-looking statements are based on management’s current estimates, projections, and assumptions, and we assume no obligation to update them. About This Report Published on behalf of Applied Materials, Inc. and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as “Applied Materials,” “Applied,” or “the company”), this report continues the work begun with our first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) report in 2015. INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE PLANET PROGRESS

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