Sustainability Report 2021 83 Third-Party Data Assurance Statement INTRODUCTION PURPOSE PEOPLE PLANET PROGRESS Independent Assurance Statement t o Applied Materials ERM Certification and Verification Services , Inc . ( “ ERM CVS ” ) was engaged by Applied Materials, Inc. to provide assurance in relation to the information set out below and presented in the Applied Materials 2021 Sustainability Report. Engagement s ummary Scope of our assurance engagement Environmental indicators GHG Emissions o Total direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions [metric tons CO2e] o Total indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions market -based and location -based approach [metric tons CO2e] o Total Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions [metric tons CO2e] o GHG emissions intensity -Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 [ tons CO2e/employee and tons CO2e/million dollars of revenue]* o Total 2019 Scope 3 emissions inclusive of Categories: 1 -Purchased Goods and Services, 2 – Capital Goods , 3- Fuel- and- Energy Related Activities **, 4 - Upstream Transportation and Distribution, 5 -Waste Generated in Operations ** , 6 -Business Travel, 7 -Employee Commuting, 8 – Leased assets, 9 -Downstream Transportation and Distrib ution, 11 -Use of Sold Products; 12 -End of Life Treatment of Sold Products and 15 - Investments [metric tons CO2e] Energy o Total energy consumption [MWh] o Total renewable energy [MWh] o Total electricity consumption [MWh] o Percentage renewable energy consumption [%] o Percentage renewable electricity consumption [%] o Energy intensity [MWh/employee and MWh/million dollars of revenue]* Water o Total water withdrawal [megaliters] o Total water withdrawal from all areas with water stress [megaliters] Workforce Indicators Total workforce and workforce by contract type [r egular full -time employees, temp orary workers and interns] [number] Female representation of the g lobal and U .S. workforce (including New College Graduates, excluding interns) by career lev el and engineering specifically [%] Ethnicity & race r epres entation of the U.S. w orkforce [%] U.S. employee f emale repr esentation of new hires, intern hires and New College Graduate hires [%] Voluntary turnover – global rate and g lobal rate by gender [%] Health & Safety Indicators Total case incident rate (TCIR) Days away, restricted, or transferred (DART) rate Fatalities [number ] Community Impact Indicators Total community investments [million dollars] Total giving through the Foundation Match Program [million dollars] Total Volunteer T ime Grant hours logged 1 [hours] Total contributions issued by Applied Materials Foundation based on Time Grant hours 1 [dollars] 1 Calendar year reporting period * For the assurance of the intensity metrics included in the scope of thi s engagement, ERM CVS has placed reliance on the SEC 10K annual filing stated revenue which has been taken as read. **Underlying waste and energy data for 2019 has not been subject to verification and has been take n as read for the purpose of th e Scope 3 categories . Reporting period October 26, 2020 to October 31, 2021 , except where noted otherwise . Reporting criteria WBCSD/WRI GHG Protocol (2004, as updated January 2015) for the Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions; OSHA Injury and Illness Recordkeeping and Reporting definitions; GRI Standards version of 2020 for Water and effluents (303) ; Applied Materials’ internal reporting criteria and definitions for community impact and workforce data. Assurance standard ERM CVS’ assurance methodology, based on the International Sta ndard on Assurance Engagements ISAE 3000 (Revised) . Assurance level Limited assurance Respective responsibilities Applied Materials is responsible for preparing the Report and for the collection and presentation of the information within it. ERM CVS’ responsibility is to provide conclusions on the agreed scope based on the assurance activities performed and exercisin g our professional judgement. Our conclusions Based on our activities , as described below, nothing has come to our attention to indicate that the 2021 data and information for the disclosures listed under ‘Scope’ above are not fairly presented, in all material respects, with the reporting criteria . Our assurance activities A multi -disciplinary team of sustainability and assurance specialists performed a range of assurance procedures which varied across the disclosures covered by our assurance engagement , as follows: A review of internal reporting guidelines and procedures , including unit conversion s, estimations , emission factors and assumptions used; A walk -through of the reporting and data management systems used for each indicator group (Workforce, Environmental, Health & Safety and Community Impact data programs); Interviews with data owners at corporate level (e.g. environmental, social, health & safety and community impact) to understand the data consolidation process and internal controls ; An analytical review of fiscal year 202 1 full year data by conducting a year -over -year analysis per site for the selected indicators which included testing the completeness and accuracy of data ; Virt ual site visits to four si tes ( Alzenau in Germany, Xian Campus in China, and Bowers Campus and Harris Branch Campus in the USA) to understand local reporting processes, data management and reporting; Desktop review of underlying source data for site visits , Scope 3 and renewable energy calculations; A review of alignment of indicators with the established reporting criteria; An evaluation of the consistency of definitions used to classify data for the health & safety and workforce -related indicators; Testing of a sample of underlying data on transactions, cases and profiles for the community impact, health & safety and workforce indicators respectively; An in -person head office visit to review outcomes of Applied Ma terials internal QA/QC process, including changes made to fiscal year 2021 data following the findings from the site visits and other assurance testing carried out , and to have in -depth discussions around 2019 Scope 3 GHG emissions calculations methodologies used and Corporate -level source d ata for the categories included ; and Reviewing the presentation of information relevant to the scope of our work in the Report to ensure consistency with our findings. The limitations of our engagement The reliability of the assured performance data is subject to inherent uncertainties, given the available methods for determining, calculating or estimating the underlying information. It is important to understand our assurance conclusion in this context. We do not, in giving this opinion, accept or assume responsibility for any third party using or placing reliance on our opinion in order to make a decisions related to Applied Materials. Force -majeure Prior to our assurance engagement, travel restrictio ns were imposed following the outbreak of COVID -19. As a result of these, we agreed to replace in person site visits with ‘virtual’ visits via conference and video calls for this year’s assurance engagement. While we believe these changes do not affect our limited assurance conclusion above, we draw attention to the possibility that if we had undertaken in person visits, we may have identified errors and omissions in the assured information that we did not discover through the alternative assurance program. Our independence ERM CVS is a member of the ERM Group. The work that ERM CVS conducts for clients is solely related to independent assurance activities and auditor training. Our processes are designed and implemented to ensure that the work we undertake with clients is fre e from bias and conflict of interest. ERM CVS and the staff that have undertaken work on this assurance exercise provide no consultancy related services to Applied Materials in any respect. Our Observations We have provided Applied Materials with a separate management report with our detailed (non -material) findings and recommendations. Beth Wyke Head of Corporate Assurance Services 28 June 2022 ERM Certification and Verification Services, Inc . Email: