244 Index King, Martin Luther, Jr. (cont.) Reinhold Niebuhr and, xv, 47 Ebenezer Baptist Church and, nonviolence, 5, 44–45, 47, 113– 38–39, 49–51 14, 118–20, 128, 130, 144, faith in God, 5–6, 38–40, 102–3, 153, 159–60, 180, 185 110–12, 115, 144, 150–51, oratory of, xix–xx, 5–6, 66–68, 153–54, 157, 171, 175, 178 95–96, 113–14, 180 family impact on, 36–38 personalism and, 47 Uriah Fields crisis and, 104–5, plagiarism and, 48, 199–200n26 138–40, 145 Walter Rauschenbusch and, xv, 47 Gandhi and, 44, 119–20 social gospel and, xiv–xvi, xviii– Ghana trip, 147, 153 xix, 7, 38, 49, 58, 60, 65 Holy Land trip, 170–71 stabbing of, 168–69 hope and optimism of, 5, 35, symbol of the civil rights 42, 48, 54, 57–58, 74–75, 83, movement, xi, 145, 156–57, 102–3, 127, 130, 132, 141–42, 180 145, 150–51, 179–80 threats and violence against, India trip, 170–71 110–11, 113, 115, 127, 147, leadership in Montgomery, xii– 150, 180 xiii, xvii–xx, 63–64, 77, 83–84, Emmett Till and, 80, 107 87, 93–96, 101, 107, 112–14, Paul Tillich and, xv–xvi 118, 132–33, 141, 144–46, Henry Nelson Wieman and, 148, 151–53, 155–58, 160–61, xv–xvi 164–65, 174, 179–80 working-class African Americans love ethic, 5, 36, 44–45, 49–51, and, 3–4, 36–37, 78–79, 97–98, 61–62, 83, 97, 113, 119–20, 107, 112–14, 134, 163, 180 127, 130, 142, 144, 150, 153, See also King books, essays, and 159–61, 171, 180 student papers; King sermons; Benjamin Mays and, 39–44, 126 King speeches Montgomery’s impact on, xii, King, Martin Luther, Sr., xiv–xv, 1, 3–4, 6, 7, 84, 86–87, 96, 37–38, 45–46, 51, 64, 126–27 103–4, 112–14, 127, 144–46, King books, essays, and student 157–59, 164–65, 169, 175, papers 178–80, 184–85 “Advice for Living,” 166 Morehouse College and, 39–44 “Autobiography of Religious NAACP and, xviii, 65, 67–68, Development,” 195nn5–7 73–74, 77, 79, 101 dissertation, xv–xvi national leadership, 4, 146, 147– “My Pilgrimage to Nonviolence,” 49, 151, 154–56, 161, 163–64, 47, 159, 196n10, 198n20, 166–67, 169–71, 173–74, 180, 199n25 183–85 “Preaching Ministry,” xiv, 35