Bibliography Primary Sources Abernathy, Ralph David. And the Walls Came Tumbling Down. New York: Harper and Row, 1989. Alabama Religious Organizations Publications. Alabama Department of Ar- chives and History, Montgomery. Allen, Erna Dungee. Interview by Steven M. Millner. August 6, 1977. In Garrow, The Walking City, 521–25. Andrews, Olive. Collection. Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery. ———. Interview by Virginia Durr. February 3, 1988. Transcript. Virginia Durr Oral History Collection, Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery. Azbell, Joe. Interview by Anna Holden. February 7, 1956. Transcript. Pres- ton Valien Collection, Amistad Research Center, Tulane University, New Orleans. Baskin, Inez Jesse Turner. Papers. Alabama Department of Archives and His- tory, Montgomery. Beech, Gould, and Mary Gould. Interview by Virginia Durr. 1988. Tape recording. Virginia Durr Oral History Collection, Alabama Department of Archives and History, Montgomery. Birmingham, Dave. Interview by Anna Holden. February 1, 1956. Tran- script. Preston Valien Collection, Amistad Research Center, Tulane Uni- versity, New Orleans. Brooks, Phillips. Selected Sermons. New York: Dutton, 1949. Burns, Stewart, ed. Daybreak of Freedom: The Montgomery Bus Boycott. Cha- pel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1997. Buttrick, George. The Parables of Jesus. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1928. Carbado, Devon W., and Donald Weise, eds. Time on Two Crosses: The Col- lected Writings of Bayard Rustin. San Francisco: Cleis Press, 2003. Carr, Johnnie. Interview by Steven M. Millner. July 17, 1977. In Garrow, ed., The Walking City, 527–32. 229