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If you do not receive our decision within 90 days after we receive your claim, you will have an immediate right to request a review as if your claim had been denied. If we deny any part of your claim, you will receive a written notice of denial containing: 1. The reasons for our decision; 2. Reference to the parts of the Group Policy on which our decision is based; 3. A description of any additional information needed to support your claim; and 4. Information concerning your right to a review of our decision. H. Review Procedure You may request in writing a review of a denial of all or part of your claim within 60 days after you receive notice of the denial. When you request a review, you may send us written comments or other items to support your claim. You may review any non-privileged information that relates to your request for review. We will review your claim promptly after we receive your request. We will send you a notice of our decision within 60 days after we receive your request, or within 120 days if special circumstances require an extension. We will state the reasons for our decision and refer you to the relevant parts of the Group Policy. I. Assignment The rights and benefits under the Group Policy are not assignable. LT.CL.01X TIME LIMITS ON LEGAL ACTIONS No action at law or in equity may be brought until 60 days after you have given us Proof Of Loss. No such action may be brought more than three years after the earlier of: 1. The date we receive Proof Of Loss; and 2. The end of the period within which Proof Of Loss is required to be given. LT.TL.01 INCONTESTABILITY PROVISIONS A. Incontestability Of Member's Insurance Any statement you make to obtain insurance is a representation and not a warranty. No misrepresentation by you will be used to reduce or deny your claim or contest the validity of your insurance unless: 1. Your insurance would not have been approved if we had known the truth; and 2. We have given you a copy of a written instrument signed by you which contains your misrepresentation. After your insurance has been in effect for two years, we will not use a misrepresentation by you to reduce or deny your claim, unless it was a fraudulent misrepresentation. B. Incontestability Of Group Policy Any statement made by the Policyholder or Employer to obtain the Group Policy is a representation and not a warranty. No misrepresentation by the Policyholder or Employer will be used to deny a claim or to deny the validity of the Group Policy unless: 377661-B - 18 6/29/2022

Benefits Booklet - Page 22 Benefits Booklet Page 21 Page 23