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1. The Group Policy would not have been issued if we had known the truth; and 2. We have given the Policyholder or Employer a copy of a written instrument signed by the Policyholder or Employer which contains the misrepresentation. The validity of the Group Policy will not be contested after it has been in force for two years, except for nonpayment of premiums or fraudulent misrepresentations. LT.IN.01 CONTINUITY OF COVERAGE If you were insured under the Prior Plan on the day before the effective date of your Employer's coverage under the Group Policy, you can become insured on the effective date of your Employer's coverage without meeting the Active Work Requirement. See Active Work Provisions. The LTD Benefit payable for a period of continuous Disability beginning before you meet the Active Work Requirement will be: 1. The monthly benefit which would have been payable under the terms of the Prior Plan if it had remained in force; reduced by 2. Any benefits payable under the Prior Plan. LT.CC.10X WHEN YOUR INSURANCE BECOMES EFFECTIVE Subject to the Active Work Provisions, your insurance becomes effective as follows: A. Insurance Not Subject To Evidence of Insurability The Coverage Outline states whether insurance is Contributory or Noncontributory. 1. Employee-Paid Insurance – Default Plan Your Employer will automatically enroll you for the Default Plan. Premiums will be deducted from your earnings and remitted to us. At any time you may elect to not participate in coverage by Declining Insurance. Insurance under the Default Plan becomes effective as follows, unless you Decline Insurance within 31 days after the date you become eligible: i. On the first day of the month following the date you become eligible; or ii. On the first working day of the month, if you become eligible on the first working day of the month; or iii. Except that eligibility for employees of participating employer groups will be determined based on the employer group’s contract with the HCA. A Member who is insured under the Default Plan is also insured for the Retirement Supplement Benefit or Higher Education Retirement Contributions Benefit, if eligible. 2. Employee-Paid Insurance – Buy Down Plan If you Decline Insurance under the Default Plan, you may instead apply for insurance under the Buy Down Plan. You must apply in writing for the Buy Down Plan on the required form and agree to pay premiums. If you Decline Insurance under the Default Plan and elect the Buy Down Plan within 31 days after the date you become eligible, insurance under the Buy Down Plan becomes effective as follows: 377661-B - 19 6/29/2022

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