BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 50 RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS ESG and Climate Governance The CGNSR Committee and the full Board are composed of members who bring a diverse set of skills, backgrounds and experience to BNY Mellon, including in the energy and utilities spaces. These outside interests contribute to the directors’ exposure to, knowledge of and engagement with climate and other ESG matters. Director education courses relating to ESG are included in the regular roster of training opportunities made available to all directors, and the CGNSR Committee expects to continue to focus on ESG-specific director education topics to further enhance the directors’ understanding of and keep them up to date regarding ESG matters, including climate change. Members of BNY Mellon’s Executive Committee and senior-level Enterprise ESG and ESG Client Solutions team members meet with the CGNSR Committee on at least a semi-annual basis to present updates regarding enterprise environmental management, with a focus on environmental sustainability and climate- related goal setting, progress and strategy regarding our operational footprint, and may also provide other material information such as stakeholder input and peer comparison. Throughout 2021, senior management provided the CGNSR Committee with reports and updates regarding BNY Mellon's environmental and sustainability programs and updates on the Company’s ESG Client Solutions offerings. The Chair of the CGNSR Committee reports to the full Board of Directors regarding the topics covered by the CGNSR Committee at its previous meeting. In this way, the Board is kept apprised of material developments regarding our environmental goals and strategies, can monitor such developments, and can incorporate relevant information into its overall decision-making and strategizing processes as appropriate. KEY DATA: BOARD OF DIRECTORS* Average director attendance: 98% at Board and committee meetings held in 2021 Minimum required director attendance: 75% of Board and committee meetings Board independence: 91% Women directors: 36.4% Ethnic and racial diversity: 36.4% Directors who joined the Board in the last five years: 7 * T he figures provided with respect to director independence, diversity and tenure are based on Board membership following the 2022 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. CGNSR Committee ESG Oversight Environmental management strategy, goal setting and performance ESG reporting initiatives ESG Client Solutions and offerings Engagement between management and top investors
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