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BNY MELLON ENTERPRISE ESG 14 APPROACH Responsible Business 2025 Goals and Key Performance Indicators Risk Management * GOAL: Risk Framework - Continue to evolve and fortify our risk infrastructure's integration into BAU practices across the organization In progress Promote consistent and aligned utilization of the risk lifecycle (identification, measurement, mitigation, monitoring) across the company as a key factor in risk/reward decisions for product, client and geography prioritization GOAL: Risk Culture - Sustain strong global risk and compliance culture focused on risk awareness, ownership and ethical behavior In progress Drive active employee engagement and ownership of risk and compliance requirements through ongoing strategic communication and development Technology GOAL: Continually evolve business protocols to help ensure systems continuity in every jurisdiction in which we operate, and across borders In progress Expand our information security management system based on an internationally recognized specification (i.e., ISO 27001) for all critical applications and business services GOAL: Evolve business protocols to provide technology knowledge, resilience and business continuity In progress Cultivate a globally competitive level of workforce awareness concerning information systems security Governance GOAL: As part of the director recruitment and refreshment efforts for our Board of Directors, continue to ensure that candidate slates include individuals with diverse backgrounds and perspectives in order to maintain the Board’s diverse composition In progress Review at least annually, the diversity criteria applied by the Board in its process of evaluating the qualifications of potential candidates Integrate into the evaluation of external search firms’ performance a review of such firms’ capabilities in developing diverse candidate pools GOAL: Formalize proactive outreach program to engage shareholders on ESG performance In progress Increase proactive engagement with top shareholders on ESG topics Enhance integration of ESG content in public reporting, including but not limited to BNY Mellon’s Proxy materials ESG and Responsible Investment Client Solutions GOAL: Provide best-in-class client solutions to the global ESG community by enabling ESG financing In progress Increase assets managed by investment firms that are signatories to the UNPRI Increase number of clients who use our ESG Global Risk Solutions, and Data and Analytics solutions Increase volume of new green bonds administered Demonstrate ESG thought leadership and proof points as measured by industry recognition and client satisfaction metrics * Language in the goals were refined to provide clarity

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