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Burger King® Brand Identity Guidelines Verbal Identity Witty 025 Characteristics 3. Witty Examples: Do “Explains a lot” Our famous reply to a famous guy We’re smart and quick. We poke a little Don’t “That explains why you’re so dumb” fun at ourselves and others. We know If we’d been this rude and cruel, we would have looked like the dumb ones—being what’s going on in culture and reference respectful is key Do it without seeming too try-hard. Social distance with your friends, but not our food An ironic nod to the times we’re living Don’t Please follow all state safety regulations We can be sarcastic but not cruel when picking up food. Thank you very much. We can’t wait for 2020 to be over, but we should be a positive force, not We can be ironic but not jaded a negative one Do We can be smart but not highbrow The only burger that plays with fire and never gets burned. A smart riddle-like phrase that only BK® can say. Don’t Our burgers rise from the flames, as the Phoenix once did in ancient times Dude, we sell burgers, not ancient Greek literature TM & © 2020 Burger King Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Taglines and examples included on this slide must be reviewed by BK® legal team for trademark Confidential and Proprietary Information of The Burger King Corporation clearance, and local legal counsel for compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

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