Aim to increase representation in our marketing • People of color making up at least 25% of casting for Citi marketing • Aim for at least 25% of brand stories highlighting m inority-owned b usinesses and organizations annually To cultivate greater diversity and inclusiv - ity in our marketing and communications, we collaborated with Getty Images to develop Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) Imagery Toolkits. Each toolkit harnesses Getty Images’ proprietary data (Visual GPS) and Kantar’s Global MONITOR research to provide marketers, communi - cators and creatives with useful insights to create authentic and multifaceted depic - tions of people in our global marketing and communications. We began rolling out these toolkits in 2021, including in the United States, and will launch in additional markets in 2022. The toolkits feature coun - try-specific data and consumer insights to capture cultural and regional nuances, and custom training is provided to Citi employ - ees for each market. The toolkits will be available to the public on the Getty Images DE&I Imagery Toolkit hub . These initiatives are just some examples of our firm-wide commitment to promote activities that are in the best interests of our clients. More broadly, new products are approved b y c ross-functional co mmittees that include senior executives from Risk, Legal, our Independent Compliance Risk Management team and other relevant units, supported b y s pecialists f rom C onsumer Fairness, a s needed . C iti a lso do es p eri - odic testing or monitoring of marketing materials a nd d isclosures. I n a ddition, Personal B anking & W ealth M anagement has a global approach for handling customer complaints and concerns in a timely and effective manner, in line with our commitment to provide financial services responsibly a nd t reat c ustomers f airly. Helping Customers Give Back We offer our U.S. cardholders an opportunity to make a difference by turning their ThankYou ® Points into charitable gifts to nonprofits. In 2021, we joined the (RED)EEM initiative which enables eligible cardmembers to make donations with PayPal’s Pay with Rewards feature and supports organizations working to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 testing, treatment and vaccines in the world’s poorest countries. We also expanded the list of eligible organizations to include Susan G. Komen. The list also includes American Red Cross, No Kid Hungry, UNICEF USA and others. Since 2014, Citi’s support has also helped No Kid Hungry provide up to 290 million meals for the millions of kids facing hunger across America. In 2021, Citi encouraged clients to enroll their Citi credit cards in the Dine and Do Good campaign. For every $5 or more spent dining out, Citi donated $1 to No Kid Hungry until the $1 million donation goal was met. Additionally, on Giving Tuesday, Citi engaged colleagues and general consumers to help raise enough to provide more than 10 million meals in a single day, with Citi’s support alone driving 40% of dollars raised. No Kid Hungry is the only national campaign solely dedicated to ending childhood hunger. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 122
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