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Serving Our Customers and Clients Responsibly We have policies and systems in place to help ensure that we always treat customers responsi - bly and fairly, such as our Code of Conduct and the internal checks and balances we employ when creating new products. Responsible Marketing We a re c ommitted t o o ffering c lients a n array o f p roducts a nd s ervices b ased o n their needs, wants and preferences, while adhering to our internal policies and proce - dures as well as applicable laws and regula - tions. W e w ork d iligently t o c learly d isclose all f eatures a nd t erms a nd c onditions, including ap plicable f ees an d c harges, f or the p roducts a nd s ervices o ffered, s o t hat clients c an s elect a nd u se t he p roducts o r services b est su ited t o t hem. Our c hosen n ame i nitiative f or U .S. Branded credit card members offers transgender and nonbinary customers the ability to use their chosen first name on their e ligible c ard a nd w ithin o ur s ervicing channels. As of early 2022, more than 22,000 customers had updated their first name on their physical credit cards, and had received more than 210,000 visits. Most impor - tantly, we’ve received notes like this from customers: “I wish that there was some - thing like this when I began my transition. This will remove one of the many worries that we have all had when we were intro - ducing our true selves to the world.” To c elebrate t he l aunch o f t he c hosen name i nitiative, w e c reated a n a dvertising campaign featuring people from across the gender diversity spectrum, both in front of and behind the camera. This initia - tive has been a significant step forward in helping this community feel recognized, accepted and empowered. In recognition of its impact, the initiative was honored as one of Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing I deas. Another example of how we continue to amplify our purpose-driven initiatives is through Citi’s global, mission-led part - nership with the International Paralympic Committee, which focuses on positively changing societal perceptions of people with disabilities. Over the past several years of our partnership, Citi sponsored 23 National Paralympic Committees and more than 50 Para athletes across the globe in their quest to compete at the highest level. In Summer 2021, we celebrated our Team Citi Para athletes and showed the world that “It’s Okay to Stare” at the talents and accomplishments of the disability commu - nity through the #StareAtGreatness campaign. Our advertising and social media campaign successfully raised awareness of the incredible achievements of these athletes and others within the disability community, earning recognition as a finalist in two categories at the 2022 Halo Awards. In early 2022, Citi extended the #StareAtGreatness campaign with 15 sponsored Team Citi Winter Para athletes to continue driving conversations around the world. As part of Citi’s Action for Racial Equity goals, we are collaborating with our agency partners to increase the percent - age of people of color working on Citi accounts and to increase representation of people of color in our marketing. By the end of 2023, we aspire to achieve the following: Aim to increase representation in the agencies we work with • People of color making up at least 25% of the agency teams working on Citi accounts • People of color comprising at least 8% of senior agency leadership, in line with Citi’s own commitment DESIGNING FOR ACCESSIBILITY As we strive to put all customers at the center of what we do, we recognize the importance of providing products and services that meet accessibility needs and preferences. The videos our U.S. Branded Cards business creates to heighten customer comprehension of key topics are designed to be fully accessible. This includes real-time descriptive transcripts, embedded closed captions and content readability. In addition, we offer Braille and talking ATMs, large print and Braille statements and raised-line checks for the visually impaired. We also offer TTY or Text Telephone for the hard of hearing. Many of our services are provided in multiple languages to support the diverse populations we serve, and our products are tailored to meet the needs of the individuals in the countries where we do business. Contents ESGatCiti SustainableFinance SustainableProgress Equitable&ResilientCommunities Talent&DEI RiskManagement&ResponsibleBusiness Appendices CITI 2021 ESG REPORT 121

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