WE ASKED 18 - 34 YEAR OLDS: How often do you typically shop online? 16% Everyday 20% A few times a week make more of their purchases electronically, 16% discovery is critical for capturing those shopping Once a week moments when a consumer is simply looking to be inspired. The same content that gets thumbs 31% to stop on social channels can be leveraged Every two weeks to one month on a brand’s commerce channels to inspire site visitors as well. Leading brands and retailers are 17% now creating dedicated spaces on their sites for Once every few months or fewer galleries of social content that are connected to products. The effect is an increase in time-on- site and order values as people explore content, learn about products, and stumble across things that they just have to have. 20 | Curalate Consumer Survey: Social Content is the New Storefront November 2017

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