For many, transacting online is becoming muscle memory. Overall, 40% of online shoppers shop WE ASKED: at least once a week and nearly 10% do so daily. How often do you typically shop online for retail And for younger, digitally native consumers, these products? e.g clothes, technology, health & beauty etc. numbers are even more pronounced with over 50% 5% 7% shopping at least weekly and 16% daily. 21% 18% This shift in spend from bricks to clicks poses a challenge that few brands have truly awoken to. Customers who visit physical stores don’t just buy, 14% they browse. Brick-and-mortar stores are great 35% for enabling consumers to explore. That’s why it’s so common for people to walk out of stores Daily A few times per week with things they never knew they needed. Online, Once a week Every two to four however, e-commerce sites are largely set up for Every two to six weeks explicit intent. This makes it difficult to drive the months Once a year or less often type of incremental sales that browsing achieves in stores. These incremental sales are critical for expanding cart sizes, growing margins and increasing revenues. KEY TAKEAWAY: There’s a dedicated group of consumers fueling e-commerce. Find them, engage with them and watch Solving this “discovery” problem is vital. As sales climb. consumers spend more of their time online and 19 | Curalate Consumer Survey: Social Content is the New Storefront November 2017