stop and cause people to ask, “What’s that?” In To learn more about the intersection of social that moment, people stumbled across something media and commerce, we surveyed 1,000 U.S. new. Creating moments of discovery represents consumers about their online shopping habits. The a massive opportunity for e-commerce — the takeaway? Visual content shared on social media opportunity to go beyond search and to introduce has become the new storefront. It entices people people to their next great find. to explore and, ultimately, gets them to buy. In fact, 76% of the consumers we surveyed said they have purchased a product they’d seen in a brand’s social media post. In the following report, we’ll take a deep dive into the ever-expanding role of social media in commerce. We have some surprising results about just how often people shop online and how they behave after discovering a product on Social’s ability to drive discovery has gotten social. We’ll discuss what frustrates them about the attention of the internet’s biggest players. online shopping and explain why they respond Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest are each so positively to user-generated content (UGC). investing heavily to develop ways to unlock the We hope the insights we uncovered will help contents of visual content. Meanwhile, Amazon is brands understand more about their customers now offering discovery-friendly experiences that and develop marketing strategies that grab their mimic social media. attention and lead to conversions. 3 | Curalate Consumer Survey: Social Content is the New Storefront November 2017

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